Need for a Personal Vision and Mission Statement in Pursuit of Purpose – Part 1

“And the Lord answered me, and said, Write the vision, and make it plain upon tablets, that he may run that readeth it. For the vision is yet for an appointed time…”

Habakkuk 2:2-3 (KJV)

International Organisations, Governments, Non-Governmental Organisations, Non-Profit organisations, Clubs, Religious organisations, etc.; all collectively have vision and mission statements that complement their unique modus operandi. The vision statement provides a destination for the organisation and the statement of mission is a guiding light of how to get there. It is the vision that informs the mission.

As we navigate new beginnings, we need a God-inspired vision and mission statement for our personal lives that have as its foundation the bedrock of the Lord Jesus Christ. A clear personal vision statement is an integration of our abilities, interests, personality, values, goals, skills/experience, family origins, stage of development, and most important our Ministry. It must be emphasised that our personal vision and mission must be largely consistent with the vision and mission that Christ has for us.

It is important to note that once God gives the vision He gives the provision. Our personal vision needs to be meditated upon. James Goll, author of “The Seer”, commenting on the subject of vision, stated, “whatever we keep in front of our eyes is what will determine our outcome”. Goll further added, “vision sustains a people, and humility is the key that releases understanding”.

As we navigate and journey through new beginnings, let us not allow ourselves to be hindered by criticisms, rejections, legalistic traditions, restrictive molds of others, and unrealistic expectations. In the words of Goll, “Let’s be faithful and accountable to the unique expression of grace that God has given to each of us”. Craft your statement today.


Heavenly Father, we lift the eyes of our hearts before You and ask that You release shafts of revelation lights into us so that we may know the hope of Your calling, the glorious inheritance that lives inside of us, and the surpassing greatness of Your power that works in us. As we navigate new beginnings, let our decisions and actions be scripted by Your vision and mission for our personal lives. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen!

Read: Proverbs 29:18; Philippians 2:2

Bible Reading Guide: Psalms 108:1-5; Galatians 3:26-29; Galatians 4:1-20; Isaiah 43; Isaiah 44:1-23

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