Obedience Brings the Blessings

“If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land…” – Isaiah 1:19 (KJV)

Unless obedience becomes a lifestyle in the lives of believers, you will continue to deprive yourselves of God’s blessings or cause your family to remain in bondage; even an entire generation could be lost.

In Genesis 9:1, Noah and his sons receive God’s blessing because of  Noah’s willingness and obedience to follow through with God’s instruction to build the ark for the massive flood that destroyed the entire human race from the earth. Had Noah decided to disobey God’s instruction, it would have disrupted the plans of God to create a sin-free lifestyle and simultaneously interrupted God’s intended blessing for his entire family. 

Brethren, even Jesus was obedient unto death on the cross in order for the greatest exchange to occur: death for the gift of eternal life. Imagine the amount of chaos and sorrow had Christ chosen to disobey. Even Ruth, who did not have a relationship with the Living God, was obedient to what resonated in her spirit and now stands in history as the mother that gave birth to the lineage of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ, of which salvation is available for those who believe in Him.

Indeed the human mind cannot fathom God, but all that is required of us is having complete obedience to Him. Sometimes, we can identify with the rich man who believed that according to his understanding, his act of obedience over the years earned him the right to enter into God’s kingdom, but was very sorrowful and disobeyed  God’s instruction to sell all of his lifetime earthly possessions (Matthew 19:16-23).

My friend, God’s definition of obedience is not based on our mere relationship with Him, emotion, intellect, or our own logical reasoning and interpretation. Rather, it’s our in-depth and unwavering obedience to comply with His commands at all times. Remember Adam’s action of choosing to obey his wife over God that caused sin to enter this world and resulted in them both being exiled from God’s land of prosperity? Do not let that be numbered among you. If God can sustain a heavy ark on water, there is no situation from which He cannot deliver us.

Take a moment and examine your life to see if you are truly walking in complete obedience to God. Shalom!

Read: Malachi 3:10; Galatians 6:7
Bible Reading Guide: Proverbs 7:6-20; Luke 2:1-20; Numbers 5:11-31;

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