Obedience is the Key

1 Samuel 15:22

Growing up in the early 1980s proved to be challenging at times, but my parents made sure they nurtured my siblings and I by providing the best they could afford given the limited finances available. One early Saturday morning, my mother sent me to buy liquid milk from the vendors at a particular place. I thought in my mind that I can save her some money so I went elsewhere to procure the item. I was however unsuccessful since the adults overpowered me by pushing me out of the line. I subsequently went to the place where Mom had sent me, and of course, all the milk was sold out. I returned home empty-handed and received a good scolding for my disobedience.

My actions resulted in my family being deficient in a much-needed nutrient for a short period. My disobedience created a lack. In like manner, God, our Father saw that, as humans, we were separated from Him because of sin. Mankind needed to be reconciled to Him because of His love for us. We needed a Saviour to redeem us, therefore God sent His Son Jesus who became obedient to death (Philippians 2:8). The sacrifice was made on the cross, paving the way for the great reunion between man and God because of the shed blood.

Be obedient today, the blood is still available to wash and cleanse us from all unrighteousness, let us make full use of it (Ephesians 1:7).

Read: Deuteronomy 28: 1- 4

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