Our Children

Our Children

Proverbs 22:6 (AMP)

Train up a child in the way he should go (teaching him to seek God’s wisdom and will for his abilities and talents)…” – Proverbs 22:6 (AMP)

Today, I’d like to utter a few words on ‘our children.’  

‘Our children’ speaks of us recognising how near and dear to our hearts they should be; they should be in total unity with us. We have the responsibility to pray for them. In “The Book of Common Prayers,” Prayer number 27 says: “May we never hinder but help and encourage them (children) towards independence and maturity and to a living faith in Your Son Jesus Christ our Lord.”

As parents, we are responsible for the development of our children into leaders. It is our council that will help them to grow. Let us nurture them and help them to grow into true leaders who mirror the great young leaders of the Bible, like Josiah (2 Kings 22 – 23) and Joash (2 Kings 11 -12). These young men, despite their youth, did what was right in the eyes of the Lord and grew in wisdom despite all the negative examples and influences around them. They were able to make wise decisions as young kings, which had a positive impact on their society.

Children are the pillars of our future. Our unwavering support and investment in their lives now will help them stand strong long after we are gone and, importantly, in adverse environments.


Father, we bring our children to You for Your blessing. Help us to be sensitive to their needs, give us wisdom in our care of them so that they may grow up rooted in love, steadfast in faith, strong and courageous in life. Guide us all who have to care for children. May we never hinder but help and encourage them towards independence and maturity and to live in faith in Your Son, Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Read: Isaiah 49:15; Ephesians 6:4

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 57:7-11; John 5:16-30; Judges 6; Judges 7:1-8

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