Pardoned for Purpose

“Let them turn to the Lord….for He will freely pardon.” – Isaiah 55:7 (NIV)

Recently, we have been speaking about forgiveness, which speaks of pardon, and redemption, which comes from the Latin word redimere, meaning to buy back. Two sides of the same coin.

In Isaiah 55:7 (NIV), we read:  

“Let the wicked forsake their ways and the unrighteous their thoughts. Let them turn to the Lord, and he will have mercy on them, and to our God, for He will freely pardon.”

There is an assurance in this Scripture that God intends to pardon us if we reconcile our purpose to His plans. He reveals His intention for us in verses 8-13: higher thoughts, higher ways, giver of rain, snow, seed, and bread. Verse 11, however, unlocks the power of God’s pardon:

“…My word that goes out from My mouth: It will not return to Me empty,

but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it.”

Let’s examine the consistency of God’s Word and intention for us through the lives of Joseph, Moses, and Esther.

  1. Joseph was placed in a pit, sold into slavery, sexually harassed, and imprisoned, yet God pardoned him to become ‘Prime Minister’ of Egypt.  His purpose was to use his skills to provide national solutions for the Egyptian food security issues affecting his birth land and adopted land. Joseph eloquently captures his life in the naming of his children (Genesis 41:51-52).
  2. Esther lived in Persia as part of the diaspora following Babylonian captivity. She was orphaned, yet God pardoned her. Adopted by Mordecai and crowned by King Xerxes, her purpose was to influence the seat of power to protect the Jews from the inside (Esther 7:2-3).
  3. Moses was destined to die at birth by Pharoah’s decree (Exodus 1:16), yet God pardoned him when he was placed in a basket on the river. His purpose was to use leadership skills acquired to deliver the Israelites from Egyptian slavery (Exodus 2:3-6, 33:1).

It is no coincidence that God used the resources of the highest offices in the land to establish His purpose! These accounts give us an assurance that we are pardoned for a purpose. Pray that God’s Word concerning you will be established and that you fulfil your purpose.

Read: Psalm 130:7-8; Colossians 1:16

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 50:16-23; Luke 22:39-62; Joshua 5:13-15; Joshua 6; Joshua 7

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