Promises From the Book of Revelation – Promise of Light

There shall be no night there: They need no lamp nor light of the sun, for the Lord God gives them light. And they shall reign forever and ever.” 

Revelation 22:5 – (NIV)

Promise #5

As we prepare to receive the promises of God found in Revelation, let us continue to examine those found in Revelation 22There will be no more night…for the Lord God gives them light.” 

Before creation, there was darkness (Genesis 1:2), but God, Who is light, brought light into the universe. Just as darkness is the absence of light, so evil is depicted in Scripture as darkness because it is an absence – perhaps more accurately, a shunning – of God’s holy presence. Eternal separation from God is called “outer darkness” (Matthew 8:12 – NKJV).

While Jesus suffered the wrath of God for the sins of the world, there was darkness over the whole land (Mark 15:33). Unbelievers love darkness rather than light because their deeds are evil (John 3:19). And darkness is associated with Satan and his kingdom (Colossians 1:13). Jesus, however, came to deliver us from darkness (John 12:46).

This is the hope of the Second Coming of Christ. God promises that morning is coming. Whatever our dark, depressing circumstances, we can have confidence in this: a Wonderful God, a Counselor, a Mighty God, an Everlasting Father, and a Prince of Peace is on His way.

In the New Jerusalem, there will be abundant light; in fact, there is no need for the sun, moon, stars, or any artificial light because God will provide light for us. 

Therefore, let us look forward to His coming with anticipation.


Heavenly Father, today we give You thanks and praise. We thank You, for You are the same Yesterday, Today, and Forever. Father, thank You that You sent Your only begotten Son, Who came and died so that we might have life and life more abundantly. I pray that when Jesus comes, He will shine into the darkest corners of our world and my life, bringing hope and setting things in order in Jesus’s mighty name. Amen.

Read: Acts 26:18; Romans 13:12

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 13; Matthew 15:10-39; Genesis 43; Genesis 44

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