Prophet Hosea’s Test to Teach

“…Go and marry a prostitute, so that some of her children will be conceived in prostitution…” Hosea 1:2 (NLT)

The aforementioned command was directed to Hosea. Many of us may have attributed such a command as one coming from the devil. I can hear myself saying, “satan, I rebuke you in the name of Jesus.” However, it is clear that Hosea knew the voice of God, and in blind obedience, putting aside his emotions, his will, and his feelings, he adhered to the instructions of God and married a prostitute. The Word of God states, “My sheep listen to my voice…” (John 10:27 – NLT). As sheep, we should be able to discern the voice of God.

Hosea, whose name means “Salvation,” married Gomer, and his relationship with her, her adulterous behaviour, and their children became living prophetic examples to Israel. Gomer lost interest in Hosea, and being consumed with lust, she ran after other lovers, leaving her husband behind. Similarly, we too can lose our appreciation for our Bridegroom, Jesus Christ, and go seeking other ‘gods.’ Yes, saints, once we pursue dreams and goals that do not include Him, and when we compromise our Christian lifestyles and adopt the ways of the world, we are being unfaithful.

Hosea 4:12 makes a strong and graphic accusation against Israel: They ask a piece of wood for advice! They think a stick can tell them the future! Longing after idols has made them foolish. They have played the prostitute, serving other gods and deserting their God” (NLT). The Israelites had invested financially in making these idols and, therefore, had become idolaters and unfaithful to God. God’s elect is to be faithful to Him; to chase after other gods is to commit spiritual adultery. 

Like Gomer, we can chase after other lovers: power, pleasure, money, and/ or recognition. The temptations of this world can be very seductive, but we must remain loyal to God and completely faithful since disaster surely follows ingratitude. The Lord is our own true refuge. If we harden our hearts against Him, there is no safety or security anywhere else, and we cannot escape His judgement. 

God told Hosea, “…Go and love your wife again, even though she commits adultery with another lover. This will illustrate that the Lord still loves Israel, even though the people have turned to other gods and love to worship them” (Hosea 3:1 – NLT).  

Friends, have you forgotten God and become disloyal to Him? There is still hope for those who are willing to turn back to Him. Hosea obeyed God and brought Gomer back into his house. God is a God of redemption and restoration; you can return to Him today.

Read: Romans 5:4-5; 1 John 5:4

Bible Reading Guide: Proverbs 15:1-10; Acts 11:19-30; Acts 12:1-19; 2 Kings 2:13-46; 2 Kings 3:1-15

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