Provision Through Worship 

“Solomon showed his love for the Lord…he offered sacrifices…” – 1 Kings 3:3 (NIV)

Solomon loved the Lord, and out of love, he worshipped God. Then, out of worship, God opened the door for any request Solomon had.

Many times, we switch the order. We make our requests to God, praise and worship when we receive them, and then our love for the Lord grows out of these experiences.

Should our relationship with God be just a ‘hand-to-mouth’ experience? Should our worship depend upon how God provides? Should our love for the Lord be based upon what we receive from Him? God forbid!

Our heavenly Father deserves our worship simply because of who He is. We were created to worship God. Our very nature is worship, and our worship should flow out of our love for the Lord, not because of what He can give.

Solomon demonstrated this: He loved the Lord (1 Kings 3:3) and showed his love for the Lord by following all the decrees of his father, David (1 Kings 2). Do we love the Lord and show our love for the Lord by following all of God’s decrees?

Furthermore, Solomon offered one thousand burnt offerings! It symbolised thanksgiving and mending of his relationship with God. Not that God was dependent on the burnt offerings, but it was Solomon expressing his love. Today, our expression of love is our worship. God was pleased with Solomon’s worship and told him, “…Ask for whatever you want me to give you.” (1 Kings 3:5 – NIV).

Dear brothers and sisters, let us develop a life of worship. Let us put a pause on our many requests and worship our Creator for who He is. Songs of love, a sacrificial life, and daily obedience are ways we can worship God. Worship and watch God move. Just as God granted and exceeded Solomon’s request, so will He do for us when we worship Him.


Heavenly Father, I love You. You are worthy to receive all glory. I bow before You, my Lord and my King. Help me to live a life of worship. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Read: 2 Chronicles 1:10; Ephesians 3:20-21

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 111; Ephesians 3; Isaiah 57:14-21; Isaiah 58; Isaiah 59

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