Reclaim Your Blessings!

“In those days they shall say no more: ‘The fathers have eaten sour grapes, And the children’s teeth are set on edge.’ But every one shall die for his own iniquity; every man who eats the sour grapes, his teeth shall be set on edge.” – Jeremiah 31:29-30

We often focus on the blessings and inheritance that follow a generation because of all the good their family has done. However, when you flip the coin there are also embedded sins of our parents, grandparents and fore-parents that follow as well. And you may ask yourself – is it possible to overcome the sins of our parents, grandparents and fore-parents? Be assured that God does not hold you responsible for something someone else did. 

Basic reasoning and logic tell us that behaviour and attitude challenges, tend to be the same from generation to generation. For example, physical characteristics of height, weight, eye colour, hair colour, hair texture, and complexion tend to run in families. In the same way, certain types of sin can be passed on from generation to generation. This is especially true of addictive behaviours such as alcoholism and smoking. It is sometimes possible for physical and sexual abuse to become entrenched in the psychological legacy of families also. Take note, however, that none of this should be termed as permanent curses. The Word of God tells us, ‘For “whoever calls on the name of the LORD shall be saved” – Romans 10:13 (NKJV). Spiritual deliverance is available to any and everyone who sincerely seeks and calls upon the name of the Lord. 

Remember those habits, attitudes and behaviours were not deliberately put as skeletons in your closet by your parents, grandparents and fore-parents. They’re really the work and doing of your ‘first parents’ when they – Adam and Eve – broke God’s commandment. And just as you were in Adam when he fell from grace, so now, if you believe in Jesus Christ from Nazareth and confess your sins; you are a new creature in Christ through faith. You can get out of generational curses as you are grafted into a whole new family legacy – Romans 11: 11-24. 


Heavenly Father, I come humbly before you today,  confessing the sins that my fore-parents and I have committed against You. By Your mercies, thank You for forgiving me of my sins and the sins of my ancestors that led to bondage, in Jesus’ name. 

Father God, for the doors we have opened to the devil to reinforce generational curses into our family, we thank You for the blood of Your Son, Jesus that purifies us from every sin that we have committed against You. Holy Spirit, purge every curse that has been passed on in our family from generation to generation. I nullify them today. In Jesus’s name, I pray. Amen! 

Read: Deuteronomy 28:1; Romans 11:11-24
Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 85:1-7; Romans 2:1-16; Jonah 1; Jonah 2; Jonah 3; Jonah 4

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