Redeeming the Time Because the Days are Evil

“See then that you walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time because the days are evil.” – Ephesians 5:15-16 (KJV)

Beloved, in the context of the subject of redeeming the time, let’s examine what it means to ‘walk circumspectly’. The common synonyms of the adjective circumspect are cautious, chary, and wary. While all of these words mean ‘prudently watchful and discreet in the face of danger or risks’, circumspect suggests less fear and stresses the surveying of all consequences before acting or deciding. Simply put, it means walking with wisdom on a daily basis. Moreover, the scriptural injunction that also shows a relationship between walking in wisdom and redeeming the time is located in Colossians 4:5 (KJV).

Brethren, time is a gift from God, and none of us know how much time we have been allotted. Only God knows the remaining time each of us has on this earth to make decisions that will impact eternity. Thus, when He (God) said we should redeem the time, He wants us to live in constant awareness of that ticking clock and make the most of every opportunity. 

Beware of procrastination; it is the thief of time. Do not put off for tomorrow things that can be done today. Do not be an idle saint in the house of the Lord, warming up the pews and shelving your Ministry, talents, and/or gifting only for special events. Use every opportunity to showcase God and His greatness. Be salt of the earth, not salt in the salt bottle of the church sanctuary.

In redeeming our time, let us seize every opportunity to give God glory and allow our plans to align with God’s will. Beloved, we can also avoid empty, harmful activities, like getting drunk, smoking, watching pornography, and other works of the flesh. We can also use our precious time to forgive those who wronged us and to show intangible and tangible love to everyone, inclusive of our enemies.


Heavenly Father, we repent for being involved in time-wasting activities. Give us the wisdom to number our days, as Psalm 90:12 states. Help us to work assiduously towards the advancement of Your Kingdom here upon the earth, in the name of Jesus, Amen!

Read: 2 Samuel 4:9; Psalm 31:5

Bible Reading Guide: Proverbs 19:23-29; Proverbs 20:1-4; I Corinthians 7:17-35; Ecclesiastes 4; Ecclesiastes 5; Ecclesiastes 6

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