Release the Burden of Unforgiveness – Part 1

“For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.” – Matthew 6:14 (NIV)

Forgiveness and redemption are intertwined threads in the fabric of our spiritual journey. The Bible teaches us that forgiveness is not merely an act of kindness but a profound spiritual principle. In Matthew 6:14, Jesus emphasises the reciprocity of forgiveness. By extending forgiveness to others, we open the door for divine forgiveness to flow into our own lives.

The journey of forgiveness begins with acknowledging the hurt inflicted upon us. It takes courage to confront the pain, to release the bitterness, and to choose forgiveness over resentment. Yet, in that act of letting go, we find liberation. The chains of anger and grudge no longer bind us, but instead, we step into the freedom of grace.

But forgiveness does not mean forgetting. It does not erase the past or invalidate the pain. Rather, it acknowledges the reality of the hurt while choosing not to be defined by it. It allows us to move forward, not burdened by the weight of past grievances but propelled by the transformative power of love.

Redemption accompanies forgiveness like dawn follows the darkest night. When we extend forgiveness, we participate in the divine work of restoration. We become vessels of God’s grace, instruments through which healing and reconciliation can flow. In offering forgiveness, we not only set others free but also ourselves. We open the door for redemption to enter, transforming brokenness into beauty and ashes into glory.

As we journey through life, we encounter moments when forgiveness seems impossible, wounds too deep to heal, and pain too heavy to bear. In those moments, we can turn to prayer, seeking the strength and guidance of the One who forgave us first. Pray this prayer:

Dear Heavenly Father,

Grant us the grace to forgive as You have forgiven us. Help us to release the grip of bitterness and embrace the freedom of forgiveness. May Your love soften our hearts so we may extend grace to those who have wronged us. And in the act of forgiveness, may we experience the redemption only You can bring. Amen.

Read: Psalm 86:5; Colossians 3:13

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 40:9-17; Luke 9:28-56; Numbers 35; Numbers 36


  1. Nicholas Yearwood

    Unforgiveness breathes bitterness- powerful Devotional.
    As a Christian it took me sometime to forgive my father for the ill treatment he perpetrated towards my mother and I. I was bitter but God delivered me when I submitted myself for cleansing.

    1. Cleon

      Thanks for sharing that, its a process but with God’s help it’s possible.

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