Rescued by God – Part 1

“For He has rescued us from the dominion of darkness and brought us into the kingdom of the Son He loves” – Colossians 1:13 (NIV)

To be rescued or delivered is to be redeemed, to come to one’s aid, to be placed in a safer place, just as 2 Timothy 4:18 emphatically states. The original Owner (God) got back His alienated and lost possession (mankind) because He bought us back ‘with a price.’  This price is Jesus Christ’s blood, death, and resurrection. He secured our redemption by the payment of a ransom. God’s son delivered us from  ‘sin and darkness.’ 

Darkness represents everything the devil is and everything he stands for. Thus, we are delivered and rescued and set free from hardship, captivity, poverty, and sickness. All of these are linked to death and darkness ever since Adam and Eve sinned (Genesis 3:6). Mankind lived in a dark, slavery-to-sin mode for thousands of years, but now no longer.

In the Scriptures, Apostle Paul writes to the church at Colossae, expressing his gratitude for their faith in God, praying for them to be filled with knowledge and understanding so they can walk worthy in their God. This introduction shows what we have in Christ. God has changed our status by removing the eternal penalty of sin from those who have faith in Him. We can share in His inheritance.

Brethren, light represents everything God is and everything God stands for. Anyone can be redeemed from sin, the world, and the influence of their own evil hearts. They only need to trust God, as I did, and flee from darkness, i.e., sin and rebellion towards God (1 John 1:6). When we receive Jesus Christ, we receive deliverance from the power of darkness and the kingdom of Christ is our new home. 

God has relocated us from our country of origin, and we are now His eternal citizens of heaven and members of His family. Allow yourself to be rescued today!

Read: Colossians 1:14; 2 Timothy 4:18

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 40:1-8; Luke 8:40-56; Luke 9:1-9; Numbers 31:25-54; Numbers 32

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