Reunite to Reflect – Part 1

“And Joshua gathered all the tribes of Israel to Shechem…and they presented themselves before God.” – Joshua 24:1 (KJV)

In Joshua 24:1-14, the Word of God tells us that Joshua assembled the Israelites in Shechem to give them a message from the Lord. The message was one of reflection. He reminded them that the God Who kept their forefathers was still with them today. God protected them from their enemies, provided for their every need, caused them to witness signs, wonders, and miracles, and brought them through the wilderness into the promised land.

As families, we too must gather together, not only for a wedding, funeral, or birthday but rather for a ‘reunion of reflection.’ The word reflection is defined as “the process of thinking deeply about a particular experience, event, or situation in order to gain insight and understanding. It involves intentionally examining one’s thoughts, emotions, and actions to identify patterns, underlying beliefs, and the impact of those on oneself and others. It often includes analysing and evaluating personal experiences to learn from them, make meaning, and potentially make changes for personal growth and development” (

One may ask the question, why reflect? The answer is simple: as humans, we need to understand our past and the present and implement a plan to help us navigate where we want to go in the future. The need arose for Joshua to gather the Israelites to remind them about what God had done for them over the years. Therefore, we, too, must intentionally engage in this beneficial quality time as families, encouraging each other to acknowledge the Lord, surrender to Him, and accept Him. This decision is vital for growth, development, and the fulfilment of purpose. 

Today is an acceptable day for you to reflect and make the necessary adjustments to chart the course of your life in the right direction.

Read: Proverbs 27:19; John 14:5-6   

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 31: 19-24; Mark 15:1-32; Leviticus 21; Leviticus 22

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