Ruling for God

Ruling for God

2 Chronicles 9:8. (NIV)

“Praise be to the Lord your God, who has delighted in you and placed you on His throne as king to rule for the Lord your God. Because of the love of your God for Israel and His desire to uphold them forever, He has made you king over them, to maintain justice and righteousness.” 

2 Chronicles 9:8. (NIV)

Those words came from a famous guest of King Solomon who came from a far distance to hear his wisdom and see the splendor of his court and its operations. This guest was the Queen of Sheba.

God delights in His people and gives us the opportunity to attain position, wealth, power, and influence. But we must be careful not to use the opportunities we are afforded to exploit or oppress others. The Queen of Sheba confessed that it was evident that King Solomon was wise and humble. He had far exceeded the report she was given. Thus, she acknowledged that it was God Who was working in his life  and Who had placed him on the throne as king “to rule for the Lord your God.” 

I remember the first time I was assigned to a district hospital in a remote area of our country. I had gotten accustomed to having supervisors to whom I could go when faced with problems. Here I was now taking on the responsibility to make decisions and give instructions as the nurse-in-charge. I was going to exercise ‘the rule’ over people – my new beginning. Though I did not know it then, I had to rule for God. I made mistakes, but I learned as I tried to be the best version of myself. When we understand this principle, we will seek godly counsel to rule wisely. God helps us to navigate our way when we acknowledge Him ‘in all our ways.’ I completed my tour of duty and returned home to a promotion. 

The Queen of Sheba praised King Solomon, telling him how happy his people must be with such a ruler. God used her and other rulers to bless King Solomon with large quantities of gold, spices, and precious stones for his kingdom. He rewards us bountifully when we rule for Him. We must, therefore, rule in righteousness and justly.

Read: Psalm 89:14-18; 2 Chronicles 9: 5-9

Bible Reading Guide: Proverbs 21:27-31; Proverbs 22:1-6; 2 Corinthians 8:1-15; Isaiah 8:11-22; Isaiah 9; Isaiah 10:1-19

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