Samuel Listened To The Lord

“So Eli told Samuel, “Go and lie down, and if He calls you, say, ‘Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening…” – 1 Samuel 3:9 (NIV)

A critical element of our relationship with the Lord is listening to and obeying His Word. Young Samuel’s willingness to listen caused the Lord to reveal His will.

This experience of Samuel teaches us something about the way the Lord speaks to us. Listening to Him when He speaks is as important in our day as it was when Samuel walked the earth. If we listen and obey His will, nothing on the earth will defeat us.

At first, Samuel did not recognise the voice of the Lord (1 Samuel 3:7). He had to be taught, just as we’re admonished to teach our little ones (Deuteronomy 6). If we are willing and receptive, we can grow in our ability to recognise the voice of the Lord.

The Lord called Samuel by name. He can, however, communicate with us in many ways, including visions, speech, dreams, and sometimes appearances. 

Samuel, as a child, learnt three important lessons about listening:

  1. He learnt Who to listen to; he listened to God.
  2. He learnt how to listen; he laid still and answered God.
  3. He learnt what to do after listening; he told the right party what he heard. (Samuel demonstrated obedience to the Lord by telling Eli what God had spoken to him).

For us to become better listeners, the following is important:

  1. Listen to God by reading His Word.
  2. Take what you’ve ‘heard’ and share it with others in a clear way.

It’s important to hear and recognise God’s voice because when God speaks, He speaks to you as an individual (Isaiah 65:24).

Read: 1 Samuel 3:19; Jeremiah 1:5

Bible Reading Guide: Proverbs 11:19-28; John 5:31-47; Judges 7:9-25; Judges 8

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