Simply Be Content With Life

Simply Be Content With Life

Philippians 4:11 (NIV)

“…I have learned to be content whatever the circumstances…” – Philippians 4:11 (NIV)

One great thing about being a believer is that we have a source of strength. Life’s twists and turns can sometimes send us into turmoil, but it does not matter what life throws at us; we can turn to the strength we find in Jesus. The Apostle Paul is an excellent example of surviving everything life threw his way. 

It is a myth to think we can have good times all the time. There is no such thing as a trouble-free life. Once we can accept the fact that there will be times of adversity, we are able to cope and survive any trial that may come. For sure, some catch us off guard, but we know that they are an undeniable part of life, and their impact should no longer make us panic. We must remember that Jesus is here to help us in our daily challenges. We are not facing it alone, and we should never allow ourselves to be isolated from the Lord during these times.

When dealing with troubles, we see that the Apostle Paul had mastered a high standard of living. He went beyond coping with situations to being content with both the good and the bad circumstances. Paul said that he remained content no matter what the circumstances were around him. Despite what may be happening in your life right now, we can follow the Apostle Paul’s advice to be content with both good and bad circumstances and never boast. 

In 2 Corinthians 11:24-27, he gave details about the tortures he endured as a missionary for Christ:

  1. Five times, he received forty lashes minus one 
  2. Three times, he was beaten with rods
  3. Once, he was pelted with stones
  4. Three times, he was shipwrecked
  5. Constantly, he was in danger from rivers, bandits, and fellow Jews and Gentiles alike
  6. He was in danger in the city, in the county, at sea, and from false believers
  7. He laboured and toiled and often went without sleep
  8. He knew hunger and thirst and had often gone without food
  9. He knew about being cold and naked 

The amazing thing is that Paul shared his secret with us in Philippians 4:11. He learnt how to be content during his hard times. “I can do all things through Him Who gives me strength,” he said (Philippians 4:13 – NIV). That strength comes from abiding in Jesus Christ. Let’s not isolate this verse and only utilise it to encourage ourselves to do the impossible. We need to remember that Jesus Christ is more than able to help us daily as He abides in us and we in Him. Certainly, we will be able to do all things.

Accept that every moment of your life is precious. Refuse to allow any setback to steal your joy. Do not allow any circumstance to destroy your relationship with God. Let your inner life be one of calm despite any outward chaos. Like the Apostle Paul, be content.


Heavenly Father, we know that You know our needs. We acknowledge Your love for us and know that all that You do for us is for good. Thank You. We choose to rejoice and be full of joy throughout all circumstances. Thank you for being the source of our strength. In Jesus’ name, Amen. 

Read: Nehemiah 8:10; 1 Timothy 6:6-7

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 92; I Corinthians 3; I Chronicles 24; I Chronicles 25; I Chronicles 26:1-19

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