Something Never Done Before

Something Never Done Before

Isaiah 43:19 (NIV)

“See, I am doing a new thing! Now it springs up; do you not perceive it? I am making a way in the wilderness and streams in the wasteland.” – Isaiah 43:19 (NIV)

God wants to do a new thing in our lives. Something that was never done before. 

“New” describes something that has been recently created, built, invented, or is in the process of being created, built, or invented. “Beginning” is the first part or earliest stage of something. “New beginning” therefore speaks to the commencement of something that was not done before.

God commands us to forget the former things, to leave the past behind and to not focus on the past – (Isaiah 43:18). The question we may ask is why? Why must we leave the past behind? God wants to do a new thing for each and every one of us. Before we accepted Him as our Lord and Saviour, we lived in sin and sin separate us from God. We now must leave our sinful life behind in order to grow in our new life. God wants us to walk into the new without hindrance, limitations, or doubt. 

In order to experience newness, we have to walk by faith. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen – (Hebrews 11:1). Walking by faith means we have to take risks, having the confidence that God will make it possible. We have to be willing to try new things, don’t be afraid to fail, be willing to change and be willing to start over. Jesus promised to lead and guide us in the way we should go – (Psalm 32:8). He wants to guide us into the good future He has for us – (Jeremiah 29:11)

By ourselves, we can do nothing – (John15:5) but we have a Helper, the Holy Spirit, the Spirit of Truth that dwells in us and Who lives in us (John 14:15-18). We, however, have to choose to surrender to the Holy Spirit so that we can be led in truth to our new beginnings and fulfill our purpose. 

Today, make a conscious decision to trust God and surrender. Allow Him to lead you.


Heavenly Father, thank You for Your love and mercy. Thank You that we can call upon You and You will hear and answer us. We ask You to wash and cleanse us, to purify our hearts making them accessible to You. Give us the wisdom to surrender to Your Holy Spirit so that Your perfect will be done in and through us. Thank You for what you have done, for what You are now doing, and for what You will do in our lives. Let Your will be done. In the mighty name of Jesus. Amen. 

Read: Psalm 32:8; John 14:15-18; John 15:5 

Bible Reading Guide: Psalms 114; Ephesians 6; Nahum 1; Nahum 2; Nahum 3

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