Stand From a Place of Victory

The enemy pursues me, he crushes me to the ground…” – Psalm 143:3 (NIV) 

The above Scripture states the enemy will pursue us and even crush us to the ground. Moreover, our hearts will faint within us, and we will be overcome with anxiety and fear. But hear this: God has already defeated the enemy and made a public spectacle of them (Colossians 2:15).

Yes, as long as we live, satan is never going to give up, but God has given us a standpoint of victory we can fight from. A safe place where the devil has no access. Jesus showed us what living from a position of victory looks like. He lived a resurrection lifestyle. He lived as if He already had the victory. Choosing to live from a position of victory will always result in a display of God’s glory. But how do you live that way? By talking to Jesus honestly, listening to Him, and doing what He says. 

There are two ways we can approach this life. We can live like most, fighting to get some victory or with a resurrection mindset that says we ALREADY have the victory. Having a resurrection mindset means we seek God first and do not treat Him as an afterthought. We do not focus on the problems and try to solve them by ourselves. 

In John 11, we see Lazarus getting sick to the point of death. His sisters wrote Jesus a letter saying: “…Lord, your dear friend is very sick” (Verse 3 – NLT). That sounds normal, right? When something bad happens, most of Jesus’s followers turn to Him for help. Remember, our Lord Jesus came to manifest the light of God, in whom there is no darkness and no evil. When we stand from a place of victory, we will always manifest light, and light destroys darkness. 

So, when Lazarus died, Jesus waited two days after his death before visiting. Why? Because the Father wants us to learn a very important lesson about trusting Him and living from a position of victory. Jesus found both Mary and Martha disappointed that He didn’t come sooner. Martha, though preoccupied with grief, trusted and believed in Jesu, while Mary only saw the problem – the death of her brother. She didn’t understand that they (Martha, Mary, and Lazarus) were Victors and not victims.

Friends, the devil is a thief and wants to steal our victory, the victory Jesus has already given us, but Ephesians 6:13-14 reminds us that when we are attacked, we need to stand against it. So, remember, we’re not trying to get the victory – Jesus already got it for us – (I Corinthians 15:57-58). We aren’t fighting for victory but from a victorious position. Be blessed!

Read: Luke 4:13; 1 John 5:4

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 3; Matthew 2:19-23; Matthew 3; Genesis 4:17-26; Genesis 5; Genesis 6

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