Start Strong (Part One) – Get out of the Blocks

1 Timothy 2:8 I desire therefore that the men pray everywhere, lifting up Holy hands, without wrath and doubting.

We have just witnessed the dawn of a new year. The year 2021 with all its challenges and successes is now history. As we endeavor to live purposeful lives this year, let us make it a priority to set aside some quality time for our Lord and Saviour, to Whom we are grateful because He saw it fit to preserve our lives.  And since the word ‘new’ is mentioned, I have observed over the years, that most persons I interacted with, prefer to acquire brand new items rather than used ones and sometimes at any cost and at other times by diligently saving over a period of time. Procuring that new item that was needed or desired, certainly feels good and gives a sense of accomplishment.

Similarly, let us intentionally embrace our relationship with God our Father with great fervor and newness in 2022. It is vital for us in this new season to spend time in the presence of God as we seek His guidance to navigate the next twelve months of our journey in life. Let us recommit our lives unto Him, and we can reinforce this commitment by placing fasting and prayer at the top of our agenda. As we mature in Christ, it is important that we show our determination to move from if to when as the word of God encourages us in Matthew 6: when we give, when we pray and when we fast. These are all fundamental principles we must follow as believers in the Lord Jesus Christ in obedience to His word.

Start this year with fasting and prayer and you will be empowered and enriched as a child of God.

Read: Matthew 6

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 4; Matthew 4:23-25; Matthew 5:1-20; Genesis 9:18-29; Genesis 10; Genesis 11:1-9

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