Stewardship of Time

“Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time…Ephesians 5:15-16 (ESV)

Time is one of the most precious and fleeting resources God has given us, yet it often slips through our fingers unnoticed. In a world that is constantly vying for our attention, it’s easy to find ourselves overwhelmed, overcommitted, and unfocused. As stewards of our time, we are called to live intentionally, making the best use of every moment because our days are limited.

Stewarding time means recognising the season you are in and adjusting your priorities accordingly. Are you investing in your relationship with God? Are you setting aside time for rest, loved ones, and service? Being a good steward of time involves setting boundaries, saying no to distractions, and aligning our daily activities with God’s purposes. It’s about making conscious choices to prioritise what truly matters – spending time in prayer, studying God’s Word, and seeking His guidance in all we do.

Time stewardship also requires us to be present in the moment, appreciating the opportunities God gives us each day. It’s about valuing people over productivity and purpose over busyness. When we live with an eternal perspective, our daily routines become opportunities to glorify God and serve others. We begin to see that every moment is a gift, a chance to reflect Christ in our actions, words, and decisions.


Lord, thank You for the gift of time. Teach me to value each day as an opportunity to serve You and others. Help me to be wise in how I spend my time, prioritising what matters most and letting go of what doesn’t align with Your will. Guide my steps, and may I not be overwhelmed by the busyness of life but instead find rest in Your presence. Give me the courage to make time for what truly matters and the wisdom to manage my days in a way that honours You. May my life be a reflection of Your love and purpose, redeeming the time for Your glory. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Read: Psalm 90:12; Colossians 3:23

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 116:12-19; Colossians 1:1-23; Jeremiah 7:30-34; Jeremiah 8; Jeremiah 9:1-16

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