Surrender and Obedience

“…everyone who looks to the Son and believes in Him shall have eternal life, and I will raise them up at the last day.” – John 6:39-40 (NIV)

Oh, what comfort is to be taken from the Word of God. It is the only sure foundation on which to stand.

Looking at our teenage/young adult son/daughter and all the issues presented before us – the addictions, the tattoos, the piercings, the hair, the clothes or absence of clothes, the music, the friends. Do you secretly wish that time could go back to and remain in that season when he/she was a baby or a toddler, all cute and adorable? When he/she loved Sunday School, participated with great enthusiasm in Children’s Church, loved Jesus with a passion, and surrendered in water baptism. 

Then it happened. Oh, but for God’s sovereign will.

Our God, the creator of heaven, the earth, and everything therein, caused that child to be born into or adopted into your family. Nothing happens by chance, and He does all things well. Nothing is too difficult, and nothing is impossible for our God. So, take your eyes off the distractions and see the beautiful soul God has given you to steward. 

Let’s love like Jesus loves; unconditionally.  

Let’s forgive like Jesus forgives; unconditionally.

Remember, Jesus is not asking us to do anything more than what He Himself has done for us. We are loved; we are forgiven.

Let us hold on to the promises of Jesus. There are many in the Bible. One that I cling to is when Jesus said, “I give them eternal life, and they shall never perish; no one will snatch them out of My hand” (JOHN 10:28 – NIV). What a comforting promise.


Father God, I thank You for the promises in Your Word. Help me to keep my heart anchored in Your Word as the challenges of life roll in, knowing that they will eventually roll out. Help me, Lord, to be a good steward to the child You blessed me with. Forgive me for being caught up by the distractions and not loving as You love. Thank You, Jesus, for Your obedience to Your Father’s will that created the divine exchange at the cross, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Read: John 10:28-30; Acts 5:29

Bible Reading Guide: Proverbs 6:20-29; Mark 12:28-44; Leviticus 13

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