Surrender Through Obedience

“By faith Abraham, when he was called…obeyed; and he went out.” – Hebrews 11:8 (KJV)

Abraham is known as the father of the faith. The Lord had said to him, “…Get thee out of thy country…unto a land that I will shew thee.” (Genesis 12:1 – KJV).  In this calling of Abraham, we find a divine command and a divine promise. The command is, Get out of thy country. The promise is, ‘I will show you another land.’ Abraham obeyed. Faith was his strength.

Abraham was referred to in the Bible as ‘God’s friend’ (James 2:23). In the Old Testament, King Jehoshaphat, while he was talking to God, said that Abraham is “your friend.” (2 Chronicles 20:7). While the Bible refers to David as, “a man after God’s own heartand John as “the disciple Jesus loved,” Abraham had the distinct honour of being called a friend of God.

A natural friendship involves loving and being loved. It means knowing that someone is on your side, wanting to help you, cheering you on, and keeping your best interest in mind. A friend is someone you value, a comrade, a partner, someone who is dear to you. Someone you want to spend time with. You become someone’s friend by investing time in them and with them. 

Because God considered Abraham His friend, He told him of His plan to execute judgement on the wickedness of the people of Sodom and Gomorrah (Genesis 18:17-33). God had shared His intentions with Abraham because they were friends. They had a relationship in which they could communicate freely. They could talk openly. Abraham was so confident in their relationship that he questioned Almighty God!  That’s intimacy; that’s security in a relationship.

Romans 4:20 says, “He staggered not at the promise of God through unbelief…” meaning Abraham did not doubt God’s abilities and His promises upon his life. This glorious testimony should provoke us to imitate his example. The Word demonstrates to us the power by which Abraham attained faith and silenced all doubts. The secret lies simply in the conviction that what God has promised, He is also able to perform. 

Even if we sometimes feel like our souls are dead, powerless, insincere, and very sinful, and even though we might be lacking in persistence, earnestness, and everything that we ought to have, we should be like Abraham. Believe in God and cast down every doubt with the thought,What God has promised, He is able to perform.’ He comes to save the lost. Let’s say, “Lord, I believe; help thou my unbelief” (Mark 9:24).


Lord, I know my faith in You will see me through when trials come. It is wonderful to realise that the trials of faith are much more precious than gold. Lord, may I be enabled by Your Grace to withstand the trials of life, that my faith will be found rooted in praise, honour, and glory, as I fix my eyes on You, in Jesus’s name, Amen.

Read: Isaiah 41:8, James 2:23Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 70; Acts 3; 2 Samuel 9; 2 Samuel 10

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