Taking Time to Evaluate Your Relationship With God – Part 2

Taking Time to Evaluate Your Relationship With God – Part 2

John 14: 13-14 (NIV)

“And I will do whatever you ask in my name, so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. You may ask me anything in my name, and I will do it” 

John 14: 13-14 (NIV)

Brethren, God has a blood covenant relationship with us through Christ Jesus who gave his life on Calvary’s cross to redeem us from the curse of sin. Within that blood covenant are promises of eternal life, a promise that He will never leave us nor forsake us, a promise that we are more than conquerors and that we are blessed and highly favored. 

The benefits of salvation are the unfailing love of God, the infilling of the Holy Spirit, wisdom, healing, deliverance from the powers of darkness, breaking of ancestral curses, peace, holiness, righteousness, divine protection, preservation, and promotion among others. In fact, the Psalmist David in Psalms 103: 1-5, commands his soul to, “Bless the Lord and forget not all His benefits”, including forgiveness of sins and provision of “good things”. Beloved, upon examination, of the benefits of the blood covenant, there is much to gain being a citizen of the Kingdom of God, rather than an emissary of the devil. In short, disciples of the devil are assured of eternal death, torment, and damnation – a life of misery.

Children of God, our prayer life is paramount in our relationship with God. Pastor Joseph Kansema, author of, ‘Dominion over Satan and his Demons’ stated that prayer and fasting must be part of the life of every Christian since prayer is the key to obtaining power from God if we are to be effective deliverance ministers. He further stated that prayer without a life of holiness cannot produce God’s annointing. No servant of God should be confronting the powers of darkness when he/she has opened doors of sin in his/her life. Demons take the area of weakness and begin to operate from that base. When a Christian is in the right relationship with God, the Lord shows him/her the perilous pitfalls of the enemy.

Every blessing that comes down to us from above bears the stamp of God, through Christ’s Intercession. On earth, as it is in heaven, intercession is God’s only channel of blessings. It, therefore, behooves us to evaluate our relationship with Jehovah God, and should we be weighed in the balance and found wanting, we need to repent and recommence a meaningful prayer relationship with Him. Personalise your prayer to Him today.


Jehovah God, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, I repent for my lukewarm approach in my relationship with You. I confess that I have allowed (state) to take priority over my relationship with You. I confess that my prayer life is not what it used to be and as such, I have not felt the presence of the Holy Spirit as before. I ask that You restore unto me the joy of thy salvation and uphold me with thy free spirit. In Jesus’s name. Amen.

Read: Psalm 51: 11-12; Psalm 103:1-5; Luke 4:13

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 90:11-17; Romans 16; I Chronicles 15; I Chronicles 16: 1-36

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