Thanksgiving – An Attitude of the Heart

“In every thing give thanks: for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.”  1 Thessalonians 5:18 (KJV)

Alas, it is the month of  November, and Christmas is in the air and in some countries, thanksgiving will be celebrated in grand style. This is the time of the year when loved ones gather for fellowship, a time of reflection, and to give thanks for life; among other things, they eat, drink, and are merry. However, while some are enjoying these festivities, some are on the sidelines observing, but they find it difficult to celebrate or to give thanks because of prevailing circumstances and situations. It seems all is lost, including their joy.

As we examine some keywords in 1 Thessalonians 5:18:

  • Everything means ‘all things’
  • Give, when used as a noun, means to bend or alter in shape under pressure. It also means to offer or to present.
  • Thanks – is an expression of gratitude
  • Will – to express desire, choice, and decision

If we dissect the Scripture and incorporate the definitions above, we can clearly see that it encourages us to bend ourselves and offer gratitude to God our Father, even when we are under pressure. This is done by choice. Circumstances and situations, though they affect us emotionally, psychologically, and physically, should not deter us from obeying the Word of God as it relates to giving thanks.

We are not proposing that moving from one emotional state to another will be easy, but with the help of God, all things are possible (Matthew 19:26), and He is able to restore your joy (Psalm 51:12). Thus, in the midst of everything, you will be able to give thanks from a grateful heart and additionally cultivate an attitude of gratitude daily.

In this season of thanksgiving, we join in faith and pray for all those who are experiencing difficulties in their lives. We believe that you will receive a special touch from the Master’s hand and that your joy will be restored. We pray that your inner man be strengthened as you wait expectantly for circumstances and situations to change. Today, give thanks with grateful hearts in obedience to the Word of God.

Read: Psalm 95:1-3; Ephesians 5:20

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 133; 1 Peter 4; 1 Peter 4; Ezekiel 47; Ezekiel 48

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