The Abundance Domain!

“The Lord will grant you abundant prosperity…” Deuteronomy 28:11 (NIV)

I am fascinated by God’s formula of abundance in Scripture. Though there was to be famine in Egypt, God allowed seven years of plenty that would sustain an entire nation (Genesis 41:29). And when the widow of Elijah’s servant was preparing to die due to indebtedness, God allowed the oil to flow in sufficiency for her to live (2 Kings 4:1-7). Talk about abundant prosperity!

This same formula applies to us, even in seasons of lack, as long as we cultivate a domain of prayer, positioning, and faith in His promises. You see, God’s forethought into our needs guarantees abundance through ‘seed’ – perpetual produce. 

In Genesis 1:11 (NIV), God speaks: 

“…Let the land produce vegetation: seed-bearing plants and trees on the land that bear fruit with seed in it, according to their various kinds. And it was so.” 

We see God providing a host (‘land’), the multiplier (‘seed’), and the result (‘fruit with seed’). Do you see His formula of sufficiency?  We are the host, our talents are seeds to be sown in the marketplace and can “bear fruit with seed in it” as leaders in business, education, health, media, and other pillars that can create abundant prosperity for families and communities. 

I recall my childhood witnessing my Mom navigate cycles of plenty and lack. However, she would never borrow money to consume, only to invest. In other words, she would ask for ‘seed’ capital, secure in her knowledge that profit or her abundance would follow. And it did! 

We also have a biblical example in Caleb’s daughter Aksah who was gifted land but then boldly asked for springs (Judges 1:12-15). I believe she understood the quality of her seed and the formula for producing an abundance: land and water (springs). Caleb granted her both the upper and lower springs.

Today, God wants to give us springs to water our seeds if we are ready to activate our God-given talents in the marketplace and in ministry. In prayer and with preparation, confidently apply His formula and live in His abundance domain.

Read: John 15:16; 2 Corinthians 9:10

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 115:1-11; Philippians 1:27-30; Philippians 2:1-11; Jeremiah 1; Jeremiah 2:1-30

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