The Beautiful Love Relationship

“I will ask the Father, and He will send another Companion, who will be with you forever.”

John 14:16 (CEB)

Can you remember being in love for the very first time? When you always wanted to be close to your love, and your love always wanted to be close to you? When nothing could have separated you? When all you could’ve thought about was this love you found and the bliss it brought you? I’m sure these memories are as mellow, warm, and comforting to your soul as it is to mine.

But today, I want to share about a beautiful love relationship with the Holy Spirit.

The Promise

A long time ago, when Jesus walked the earth as a human, He promised that He would ask God the Father to send us the Holy Spirit to help us and always be with us. Jesus explained that the Holy Spirit will show us what is true, be with us, and keep on living in us (John 14:16-17). I’ve read these words many times but didn’t really understand the profoundness.

The Promise Fulfilled

Later, God the Father sent us His Holy Spirit to be with us always. Acts 4:31 shows us that after the believers prayed, they were filled with the Holy Spirit. In addition, we learnt that we are His temple and sanctuary and that He lives in us! (1 Corinthians 3:16). Oh, the joy to see a promise fulfilled!

The Beauty

It resonates to know that the Holy Spirit lives IN us. He is not just WITH us but also IN us. What closer relationship could there ever be? Such closeness is beyond comparison! The Holy Spirit is an intimate part of us. We can be naked with Him, yet unashamed. We can be open with Him yet not be judged. He can minister to our deepest needs because He knows us inside and out. What a beautiful relationship it is, indeed, to be with the Holy Spirit and He with us and in us. A beautiful love relationship that can be compared to no other.

Why not bask in the beauty of this amazing love relationship? A love so dear, a love so true, a love giving joy to every morning anew.


Holy Spirit, I love You, I value You. I thank You for being with me and living in me. I value the love we share and thank You for the meaning You add to my life. Help me to embrace You forever and always, in Jesus’ name, Amen.

Read: Acts 4:31; 1 Corinthians 6:19

Bible Reading Guide: Psalms 109:1-20; Galatians 5:7-26; Isaiah 47; Isaiah 48; Isaiah 49:1-7


  1. Lucille Joseph


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