The Disobedient Prophet

“Wherefore doth a living man complain, a man for the punishment of his sins?” Lamentations 3:39 (NKJV)

The prophet from Judah, who had been sent to Bethel by God (1 Kings 13), fulfilled his mission as it relates to delivering the Word of the Lord. He was proven to be a true prophet (Verse 5), but the hardest part of his mission was yet to come. He could only say he was finished when he got back to his home safely, thereby totally adhering to God’s instructions. 

An old prophet who lived in Bethel was told by his sons of what the Lord had done through the prophet who had just departed. This old prophet saddled his donkey and went after the prophet sent from Judah by God. The old prophet invited the prophet to return to his home to dine with him. 

At first, the prophet from Judah refused (as he did with King Jeroboam), saying what he was instructed not to do by God. However, the old prophet lied and told him that an angel of the Lord had also instructed him to take the prophet back to his house. The prophet from Judah disobeyed God’s direct, personal instruction and allowed himself to be persuaded to return to eat and drink.

After he had eaten and drunk with him, this same lying old prophet pronounced doom upon the prophet from Judah, saying because of his disobedience, his corpse would not go to the tombs of his fathers. How sad it was that this prophecy also came true!

After he left, a lion met and killed him and left his corpse on the road. The prophet from Bethel, along with his sons, buried him in their family tomb. 

Beloved, as we reflect on this account, remember apostle Paul’s words: “…let God be true but every man a liar…” (Romans 3:4 – NKJV). When God gives us an instruction, may we be steadfast, immovable and resolute to obey His commands. Amen.


Heavenly Father, we humbly come to You today, thanking You for taking us out of darkness into Your marvellous light. May our eyes be forever fixed upon You and our ears ready to hear Your softest whisper. May no one deceive us, and may we, through Your Holy Spirit, carry out Your every instruction in its fullness. In the name of Jesus, Amen.

Read: John 10: 27-28; 2 Peter 2:4 

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 78:17-31; Acts 17:22-34; Acts 18:1-8; I Kings 18:16-46; I Kings 19

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