The Family That Dared to Believe God – Part 2

‘…the Lord said to Noah, “ Come into the ark, you and your household…I have seen you are righteous before Me…” – Genesis 7:1 (NKJV)

It took Noah and his family of eight about one hundred years to complete the building of the Ark. This is the belief that Noah (and his family) had in God’s Word that they choose not to give up or give in to our human frailties of doubts and mistakes.

The day came when God directed the animals into the ark, male and female of each species. All kinds of animals, all kinds of creeping things and birds and creatures of the air (both clean and unclean), came by their pairs into the ark, yet God’s prize possession, man, who was made in His image and likeness, was left outside of the place of safety and protection. They could not have entered because of their wickedness and refusal to repent.

When Noah and his family entered into the ark of God’s protection, God shut the door. It grieved His heart to destroy mankind from off the face of the earth with floodwaters, but their intentions were evil. God saved Noah and his family because of their obedience to Him, and He promised that He would never again destroy the earth with a flood. He also established an everlasting covenant with Noah, with a rainbow in the clouds. Psalm 103:8 tells us, “The LORD is merciful and gracious, Slow to anger, and abounding in mercy.”

When God gives us a task to perform, despite how crazy or awkward it may seem, be obedient, remembering that obedience always brings blessings. Just as Almighty God used Noah and his family to preserve the families of the earth, of which your family and mine are part, in the same way, let us allow God to use our families to bring salvation, healing, and deliverance to other families, through our obedience to Him.

Read: Psalm 37:5;  Proverbs

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 33:12-22; Luke 1:26-38; Numbers 1; Numbers 2:1-9


  1. Elaine


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