The God of Second Chances – Part 2

The God of Second Chances – Part 2

Luke 22:33-34

“But he replied, “Lord, I am ready to go with you to prison and to death.” Jesus answered, “I tell you, Peter, before the rooster crows today, you will deny three times that you know me.” Luke 22:33-34

Simon Peter was one of Jesus’ disciples and was very vocal and active. Historians and theologians have agreed that Peter was not a very learned man; however, he demonstrated loyalty and commitment to the work of the ministry. Peter possessed remarkable insight and displayed his depth of faith in the confession of Christ as the Son of God (Luke 9:20).

In this portion of Scripture, Jesus warned Peter that satan wanted to destroy him. Unaware of the spiritual battle over his life, Peter declared he would fight and do whatever it took to defend Jesus. In our local parlance, Peter spoke, ‘out of turn’. While satan wanted to destroy Peter, Jesus, in His time of anguish, was making intercession for him. Jesus knew he would lead the new church when the Holy Spirit came at Pentecost. 

When the cock crowed, Peter left the scene in shame and despair. He had denied His Saviour three times: the same vow he made not to do. Peter, however, did not isolate himself. Instead, he sought forgiveness and became the spokesperson for God’s Word.

On the day of Pentecost, while the other disciples were overwhelmed, Peter stood up and defended the church and Jesus. He spoke so eloquently that no one would have believed this was the same fisherman. That day three thousand souls were added to the church! Peter was given another opportunity to redeem himself, and this he did. 

Life happens to us, but in those moments of crisis and despair, we have an advocate, an intercessor who is praying on our behalf. One who will not allow our souls’ enemy to destroy and sift us like wheat. Our Redeemer, Jesus, is beckoning us to come to Him. He is capable of cleaning us up; He is capable of redeeming; Jesus is capable of restoring. Come to Him today and experience His redemptive power.


Dear Father, today I come recognising that You are the God of second chances. I need Your guidance and forgiveness. Help me; draw me by Your Spirit into communion with You. In Jesus’s name, Amen.

Read: Matthew 16:15–18; Luke 22:31-34

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 51:10-19; Luke 24:1-35; Joshua 11; Joshua 12

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