The Importance of Prayer in the Life of the Believer

“that I may know Him, and the power of His resurrection, and the fellowship of His sufferings…” – Philippians 3:9 – 10 (NKJV)

The Word of God declares that we should pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17). But what is prayer? Prayer is talking to God and having loving fellowship with the Creator of heaven and earth. It is a form of worship. The primary goal of prayer is to know Jesus more. 

To know God, we must spend time with Him. It is in the time of prayer that an atmosphere of unity between the believer and Jesus is created, which is essential for growth in Christ and the church. Matthew 6:33 (NKJV) states, “But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added to you.” What things? Those things God wants to anoint you (the believer) to achieve. 

As such, prayer must become the priority of the believer. Prayer contributes to the believer’s spiritual growth. What happens to a seedling that doesn’t receive water daily? It begins to droop and look lifeless, the same for the believer. If you don’t pray, you can’t grow, and you wouldn’t be able to seek first the kingdom of God. 

As you spend time in prayer, God gives direction, so it’s not your will but His will being done in or through your life. Sometimes, while praying, the Lord directs you to a passage of Scripture concerning a particular matter, and wisdom or direction is gained. Prayer provides us as believers with spiritual strength, and we are enabled with the energy needed for the day’s tasks or challenges. According to Psalm 28:7, The Lord is our strength and shield, our Helper. David was able to make this declaration because he received strength when he spent time in God’s presence. 

Prayer contributes to our spiritual consistency. As we spend time in prayer, our faith grows, and we remain stable in Christ. We are able to call upon God like Elijah and experience God’s power fall like supernatural fire (1 Kings 18:37-38). Or like King Jehosophat, who petitioned God and saw Him set ambush against his enemies and fix situations (2 Chronicles 20:6-7, 22)

Last but not least, prayer empowers the believer to intercede for others where they enter into partnership with God and command mountains to move in the name of Jesus. We take authority on earth, and God releases His power in heaven. Prayer unites us as believers because the goal is bigger than our needs and/ or desires. It is about God’s kingdom, His will being done through our lives. All believers united as one in Christ Jesus.

Read: 1 Samuel 2:1; Philippians 4:13

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 1; Matthew 1; Genesis 1; Genesis 2:1-17

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