The Importance of Testimonies

The Importance of Testimonies

Revelation 12:11 (KJV) 

“And they overcome him by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony…” Revelation 12:11 (KJV) 

Faithful believers on earth overcome Satan by being freed from his power by the blood of the Lamb, by determining to speak about the goodness of God, and by showing a willingness to serve Christ at all costs. A believer should always have a testimony. Our testimony is that light for the hopeless. We should remember we’re never alone. The Holy Spirit, our Comforter leads us and also guides us away from deadly snares and traps we had no clue were there. 

A testimony is never old. In the Holy Bible, there are many testimonies. In John 5:31-47, Jesus doesn’t just testify about Himself but the Father testifies of Him and this testimony is greater than that of John the Baptist who was sent as a human witness. John was sent to testify about the truth, so people might be saved. John had testified to the people that Jesus would come shortly and baptise them with Fire and the Holy Spirit.

What is a testimony? Testimony is the evidence or proof of something. Our testimony comes from the gift of the Holy Spirit, the spirit of prophecy – Revelation 19:10 (KJV).

Having a strong testimony allows us to help others in the search for truth. Some can be personal – the fruit of obedience and receiving peace, joy, and understanding. Our testimony also is a measure of our faith. The mere fact that we’re alive and healthy, is our testimony. Moreover, we can use our suffering as an opportunity to give a testimony. Difficulties in life are never meaningless. When you lose your job out of nowhere, it’s not meaningless. When you find out that you or someone that you love has cancer, it’s not meaningless. When your marriage is struggling or you’re discouraged because of your singleness, it’s not meaningless! Use it.

Romans 8:28 says, “And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are called according to His purpose.” Your unique story is being used for good and God’s glory. I will continue to tell others about what God has done in my life and in the lives of my spouse, children, grandchildren, and other family members, even my friends.

Our lives are a living testimony of the transforming power of God. 

Read: Psalm 78:5; Psalm 91:10; Luke 21:13

Bible Reading Guide: Psalms 119:137-144; Hebrews 3; Joel 1; Joel 2:1-17


  1. Anita Codrington

    Whatever I am experiencing, I know that all things are working all together for for my good for I am a child of God and I am called for a purpose.

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