The Importance of the Church Family

Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching. 

Hebrews 10:25

I was introduced to First Assembly of God Wortmanville Church by a friend in Secondary School and started attending the fellowship on a regular basis in 1994. I then made the important, life-changing decision to be baptised in August 1995. The head usher inquired about my age, when I replied she immediately guided me to the departments in the church which were suitable for my age. I always remember her and the fact that she was serving her gift and provided me with necessary and timely information to aid my spiritual growth.

My involvement as a young adult in the fellowship resulted in me being mentored by my church family: the older women taught me well, they made sure I matured into a decent young woman, the older men were my fathers, my older brothers and sisters looked out for me and of course, my peers and I bonded. 

Beloved, you may have recently accepted Jesus as your Lord and Saviour and you are wondering what is the next step in this family. Ensure you attend a Bible-believing church and connect with the family of God. Find out about the programmes and activities related to your age and get involved. By following these simple steps you will grow spiritually in your faith and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ and His concept of family.

In this era, the doors of the church are open both physically and virtually. Be assured that there is always someone waiting with open arms to receive you as a brother or sister into the Kingdom family. Don’t hesitate any longer. Make this bold step today and know for sure that positive changes will occur in your life as a result of the impact of the Word of God and the church family. 

Read: Titus 2:2-8; 1 John 1:3-7; 2 Corinthians 6:17; John 15:19

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 37:1-9; Luke 4:38-44; Luke 5:1-16; Numbers 15; Numbers 16:1-35

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