The Joy of Contentment

“But I  rejoiced in the Lord greatly that now at last your care for me has flourished again…” Philippians 4:10 (NKJV) 

What is content?  

Paul’s word for content is “arkeo,” which means to be free from care because of satisfaction. 

According to the Apostle Paul, contentment is not about whatever we might gain or accomplish – not with our job, our money, our relationships, or our emotions. Real, true Christian contentment has nothing to do with our circumstances. Instead, it is the stillness, pleasantness, and satisfaction in the soul that recognises the amazing greatness of what our souls already have, which is our salvation in Christ.  

Our contentment in Christ is always possible in all circumstances since Christ’s love for us isn’t dependent on circumstances. Christ’s love just is – all circumstances, conditions, and situations. 

Friends, joy, and contentment are possible:

(A) With little or with prosperity 

(B) With being filled or going hungry 

© With abundance or in need 

Like the Apostle Paul, we are encouraged that whether those needs are met or not met, in Christ, our joy and contentment are complete (Phillippians 4:11-12). As such, our deeper needs in this life are complete. Our need for significance, security, meaning and purpose, salvation and forgiveness, our need to matter and to belong, and our need for love, approval, and acceptance are all complete, bringing us to a place of being fulfilled. 

In Christ, all our deepest longings and most important desires are already satisfied and provided for abundantly. And that is where our contentment is found! 

Read: Luke 12:24; Hebrews 13:5
Bible Reading Guide: Proverbs 21:5-16; 2 Corinthians 1:23-24; 2 Corinthians 2:1-11; 2 Chronicles 31:2-21; 2 Chronicles 32; 2 Chronicles 33:1-20

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  1. Jacqueline Dowlin

    Never be contented of the level in which you are in christ Jesus always strive to go higher and deeper in the things of God.

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