The Joy of Receiving Benefits

Blessed be the Lord, 

Who daily loads us with benefits, (Psalm 68:19)

A benefit is something that we are entitled to at some point in our life, but if we have no knowledge of this benefit, we will never claim it and thus will never receive it.  

Years ago, when I started working, I did not know that I could have filed an insurance claim every time I visited a doctor and be reimbursed with a certain percentage of the money spent. I was ignorant of this vital piece of information that would have been very beneficial to me at that time and in the future. 

When we examine Psalm 103:1-5, we see some benefits listed that all believers in the Lord Jesus Christ are entitled to. The Psalmist was careful to remind us in verse two that we should not forget these benefits. What he is encouraging us to do is to put the knowledge we have into action by claiming these benefits daily and allowing the evidence to be seen in our lives. If we forget, we will be in the same place as if we had not known in the first place. There will be nothing for us to gain.

So today you and I can celebrate the fact that we can claim and receive the benefits listed below because of our relationship with our Heavenly Father, He will:

  1. Forgive all our iniquities
  2. Heal all our diseases
  3. Redeem our lives from destruction
  4. Crown us with loving kindness and tender mercies
  5. Satisfy our mouths with good things so that our youth is renewed like the eagles

Hallelujah, brothers, and sisters let us praise the Lord, let us rejoice in Him today, we are recipients of the goodness of God in the land of the living, as stated in the Word of God! 

Read: Psalm 103:1-5; Psalm 116:12
Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 23; Mark 4:30-41; Mark 5:1-20; Exodus 25; Exodus 26

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