The Joy of the Lord – Part 1

“…I will rejoice in the Lord, I will be joyful in God my Saviour.” – Habakkuk 3:18 (NIV)

As she balanced the jug on her head, making her way toward the well, Mary noticed a stranger approaching from the opposite direction. “Greetings,” he shouted, “you who are highly favoured! The Lord is with you” – Luke 1:28 (NIV).

She was sure that no Nazarene would ever dare greet a maiden like that. But with each step, his words grew bolder, not softer, rushing toward her like water cascading over a cliff:

“Do not be afraid, Mary; 

You have found favour with God.

You will…give birth to a Son…

He will…be called the Son of the Most High…

The Holy Spirit will come upon you…” (Luke 1:30-35 – NIV)

Wave after wave broke over her as she listened to the angel’s words – first confusion and fear, then awe and gratitude, and finally a rush of joy and peace. Her whole being drenched in light. Then she heard more words, this time from her lips: “I am the Lord’s servant…may it be to me as you have said” (Verse 38).

Though the angel departed, Mary’s peace remained. The Most High had visited the lowliest of His servants and had spoken the promise every woman longed to hear: “…you have found favour with God…You will give birth to a Son…His Kingdom will never end (Luke 1:30-33).

As Mary walked across the fields, she felt the water swaying and splashing to the rhythm of her movements. She soon realised that she, too, felt full and satisfied — as though she had just finished a favourite meal. She knew for sure that God was at work, shaping her future. What joy and contentment filled her soul as she quickly realised that her body was the dwelling place of Divinity! 

Today, I pray that you will let the Scriptures feed your soul and help you gain a deeper understanding of God’s intention for your life. 


Lord, fill my emptiness with Your presence. Form Your likeness in me so that, like Mary, I can bring You into a world that desperately needs Your love; in the Name of Jesus, I pray. Amen.

Read: Psalm 20:4-5; Luke 1:45

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 100; 1 Corinthians 12:27-31; 1 Corinthians 13; Song of Solomon 5; Song of Solomon 6; Song of Solomon 7; Song of Solomon 8

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