The Posture of Fasting

Matthew 6:18 – ‘so that you do not appear to men to be fasting,’….. 

Ecclesiastes 1:9 states that “there is nothing new under the sun”. With longevity, this Scripture verse becomes more obvious. The Word of God truly relates to every aspect of our lives. For many, fasting has become a religious ritual. Many persons find it necessary to inform friends and colleagues when they’re fasting, especially when it’s not done at a corporate level. One gets the idea that they are part of a ‘spiritual club’, that puts them at a cut above others. It is, however, quite appropriate to act normal. The focus must be pleasing God and not on gaining attention from others.

Over the years it has been proven that you can pray without fasting but it’s not advisable to fast without praying and meditating on the Word of God. Have you ever had the experience of feeling that ‘all hell break loose’, in your home or at your workplace at this particular period? We must remember that the enemy is after us every day and it’s easy to lose focus and say and do things that would dishonour God. It’s important to practise righteous living. Failure to do this could result in one feeling weak and unfruitful. During this period one must always have a specific reason for fasting in order to remain focused.

A period of prayer and fasting will be rewarded. God who sees in secret will reward you openly. Your testimonies will be great and many. Your accomplishments will surprise you. Serving the Lord will become a JOY and not a burden. Your experience would be one of expectancy of the miracle-working power of God. God bless you as you embark on this journey. Jesus never fails. The Holy Spirit enables us.

Read: Matthew 6: 16-18; Isaiah 58: 6-11.
Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 3; Matthew 2:19-23; Matthew 3; Genesis 4:17-26

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