The Responsibilities of a Father

“…fathers, do not provoke your children to wrath: but bring them up in the nurture and admonition of the Lord” – Ephesians 6:4 (KJV)

A father’s role in the family is a pivotal one. He is called to be the spiritual priest, provider, protector, and lover. He is also expected to be a motivator, helper, coach, friend, encourager (every child craves positive fatherly encouragement), trainer, and counsellor. And for legacy continuation, he must bring up his children in the fear and admonishment of the Lord, Jesus Christ.

Removing the father from the family is a recipe for the total disintegration of the family because he is the authoritative spiritual foundation on which God establishes His order and releases His blessings. Fathers are expected to do more than financially provide for their families. They are mandated by God to teach His Word to their children and not leave it solely to the pastors and Sunday school teachers. 

John and Paula Sandford, authors of the Book, ‘Restoring the Christian Family,’ stated, “Even for most dedicated Christian fathers, the Bible has become a book of mystery, gathering dust on their shelves.” The authors further declared that the anti-Christ culture has stolen from fathers their daily attentiveness to the life of their own spirits and souls, and therefore fathers’ awareness of their task of nurturing their families has been stolen. 

Fathers, you nurture your children by and in everything you do – discussions at the table, how you relate to your wives, forgiving, disciplining, playing, use of language, etc. Everything you do in the presence of a child is an implantation of who you are. A father does not become what the father says; he becomes what the father is. Failing to be with a child causes that child’s spirit to wither (John 15:5-6). A child must abide in a father’s favour and love. Affection is an effective transfer of energy. Thus, a father’s love is an essential necessity in a child’s life. Be there.


Heavenly Father, You know that many men have absconded from their responsibilities as husband, father, and parent, which has resulted in disorder and chaos in their families. We pray in the name of Jesus that You (God) will bring a spirit of conviction on those fathers in default so that they may first seek your forgiveness and second, seek the forgiveness of their wives and children. Lord, break them out of the clutches of bond women, set them free to serve You, and restore them to be head of their homes, as Christ is their head, in Jesus’s name we pray. Amen!

Read: Deuteronomy 11:1; Galatians 6:5

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 33:12-22; Luke 1:26-38; Numbers 1; Numbers 2:1-9

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