The Rich Blessings of God

The Rich Blessings of God

Proverbs 10:22 (NKJV)

“The blessings of God makes one rich, and He adds no sorrows with it.”

Proverbs 10:22 (NKJV)

It is God’s intention to make us holistically rich once we are obedient to His Word, commands, and statutes. Moreover, we are already rich, having been given the Holy Spirit, and have become a new creation in Christ Jesus. Remember, the blessings are not in the material wealth; the blessings of God reside in us. 

God declared over our lives in Deuteronomy 28:1-13 that we will be blessed wherever we go, wombs will be fruitful, crops and livestock will be multiplied, food baskets (cupboards and refrigerators) filled, enemies defeated in our presence, every work we put our hands to do will prosper, we will be lenders and not borrowers and He will make us the head and not the tail.

In our local church, after we gave God His tithes and our love offerings, we collectively repeat the statement of faith, which says, “…receive gifts and surprises, bills paid off, debts demolished, royalties received, our whole families saved and walking with God, perfect health in abundance to walk in divine favour and blessings. Then we declare, ‘I am blessed going in, and I am blessed going out. All that I do will prosper in Jesus’ name, Amen.” These declarations are not empty utterances, but the foundations emanated from scriptural injunctions located in the Holy Bible. 

Any gift that has a diabolical agenda is not a gift from God and will bring much sorrow. Satan is prepared to give out wealth and riches to those who follow him, but it comes at the price of their souls and that of their families. Jesus asked the question in Mark 8:36 “What will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul”. Our soul is priceless, yet we treat it with scant disregard because we do not recognise its eternal value. To trade our souls to the devil for riches will result in us experiencing eternal death, torment, and damnation in the fiery pits of hell (Revelation 21:8; Matthew 25:41).

All satanic emissaries have to go through private and/or public shame rituals as part of their loyalty to the devil. Men and women are made to appear in public dressed and to act in a despicable manner, with occult symbols tattooed on their skin and/or clothing. The fact of the matter is that they have riches but are engulfed with sorrow. My prayer for those of you who have been deceived into pawning your souls for riches is that you seek the Lord Jesus Christ while He can be found (Isaiah 55:6-7), for it is He who died for the souls of all mankind.

Read: Deuteronomy 7:12; Psalm 128:1

Bible Reading Guide: Psalms 119:161-168; Hebrews 6:13-20; Hebrews 7:1-10; Ezekiel 7; Ezekiel 8; Ezekiel 9

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