The Touch of Faith

‘She had heard the reports about Jesus…For she said, “If I touch even His garments, I will be made well.” And immediately the flow of blood dried up, and she felt in her body that she was healed of her disease.’ – Mark 5:27-29 (ESV)

Do you have an issue that you are dealing with right now? How long have you been dealing with this issue? According to the Webster dictionary, an issue is defined as a concern or problem. Sometimes, when an individual has a concern or problem, especially if it has been present for years, that person can become desperate, and we know that desperate people take action and do things that may not necessarily be in keeping with the rules and norms of society.

When we examine the account in the Bible of the woman who had an issue of blood, we can deduce the following:

  • She had an issue in her body that was not normal; she was losing a lot of blood
  • The issue existed for twelve years
  • The issue caused her to be ostracised because she was considered unclean according to the law
  • The medical experts of the day could not help her
  • Over time, her health regressed

We see clearly that as a result of her condition, this woman was affected physically, financially, and socially. 

However, although she was physically weak, she proved to be spiritually strong. Her faith and determination motivated her to act upon what she had heard. She heard the reports about Jesus, the One Who is the healer. She disregarded the laws of society, pressed through the crowd, and believed that if she touched the hem of His garments, she would be healed. The person whose life was leaving her exercised her faith and touched the Giver of life; a transference of virtue occurred, and she was healed immediately of her disease.

Ladies and gentlemen, allow this account in the Word of God to resonate deep within your hearts, and be encouraged to touch Jesus with your prayers. Let us activate our faith in God and pray, believing in Him, Who is able to do all things. It does not matter what the issue is; call upon Jesus. There is power, healing, deliverance, and breakthrough in the name of Jesus. Know for certain that He will cause the present problem or concern affecting us to dry up or come forth in His time and in accordance with His will for our lives. Amen!

Read: Psalm 41:3; Jeremiah 33:6

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 12; Matthew 14:22-36; Matthew 15:1-9; Genesis 41:41-57; Genesis 42



  1. Elaine

    Praise GOD

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