– Bringing Salvation, Deliverance, Peace and Joy to the World
Christmas is so much more than just fairy lights, Christmas trees, food and gifting. It is an annual recognition of the birth of the One who changed the course of the world, giving man the gift of eternal life. Christmas is about the birth of Jesus Christ, the One who came to redeem man back to God.
Culturally in many territories, Christmas is a festive celebration of dressing up, decorating, food and events. In Guyana, characteristics of a true Guyanese Christmas include a medley of pepper pot, garlic pork, black cake, people shopping and attending events, and transforming their homes to facilitate a new look for the holidays.
But, what is the ‘True’ meaning of Christmas? Are these events related to Christmas, and how should this momentous event be celebrated?
Origin of Christmas
In a recent interview, Bishop Dr. Murtland Raphael Massiah, Presiding Bishop of First Assembly of God Wortmanville church, spared no room for speculation as he delved into the Biblical and historical context of ‘Christmas’ and how one should celebrate this extraordinary event annually.
According to Bishop Dr. Massiah, the true meaning of Christmas is initially recorded in the Book of Genesis Chapter 3, Verse 15: “And I will put enmity between you and the woman, and between your offspring and hers; He will crush your head, and you will strike His heel.” After Adam and Eve disobeyed God by giving into the serpent’s temptation, a colossal battle ensued between the seed of the woman and the enemy’s seed. The first Christmas was birthed out of God’s plan to redeem man, by sending the seed of the woman into the world with a mission.

“The true meaning of Christmas is tied up in the understanding, in the promise of prophetic utterances, which Isaiah called a Son. Unto us a Child is born, unto us a Son is given, and the government shall be upon His shoulders,” (Isaiah Chapter 9, Verse 6), Bishop Dr. Massiah affirmed. Isaiah’s prophetic promise confirms God’s plan to send His Son into the world to redeem man. The birth of Christ exceeds lighting candles and Christmas trees. “The birth of the Lord Jesus Christ came with an assignment to bring salvation, to bring deliverance, to bring peace and to bring joy to the world,” Bishop Dr. Massiah unequivocally declared.
The First Christmas
Contemplating the first Christmas through the narrative of the Book of Luke Chapter 2, Bishop Dr. Massiah highlighted fundamental events surrounding the birth of Jesus and the first Christmas. Jesus was conceived by the Holy Ghost to the Virgin Mary, who was engaged to Joseph. Though a King, Jesus was born in a manger, in absolute obscurity, glorified by the angels of heaven before shepherds, and worshipped by wise men. Quoting Luke Chapter 2, Verses 10 and 14, Bishop Dr. Massiah posited that the original messages of Christmas are “… good tidings of great joy which will be to all people” and “Glory to God in the highest, And on earth peace, goodwill toward men.” This is how the first Christmas was celebrated.
Christmas Today
Today, Christmas has become highly commercialised and is far from what it was thousands of years ago. “Everything that is done now seems to be in an effort to recapture and mimic the original glory of Christmas,” Bishop Dr. Massiah asserted. There is no evidence to prove that Jesus was born on December 25th but this is recognition of the world system to assign a date, because they know for a fact that He was born. However, it is not about the date, the most important fact is that Jesus was born. Christmas has been minimised to singing songs, visiting family, eating delicious foods and wearing fancy outfits. However, ultimately the assignment is to remind the world of the original and significant meaning of Christmas.
Christmas and the Church
Considering how Christmas is celebrated in the church, Bishop Dr. Massiah stated, “I believe quite frankly, because of lack of teaching and proper exegesis, in some instances, the church is marketing Christmas like another product.” Notwithstanding this, Bishop Dr. Massiah believes there are many churches that are still pointing to the original meaning and message of Christmas in the person of Christ. Though some prefer to hear the repetitive fancy stories, the church has an enduring responsibility to remind the world of the original message of Christmas. Instead of focusing on selfish gratification or what is happening around us, Christmas should be about Christ. Those who are using a marketing concept for Christmas are encouraged to read the Word of God to understand the whole truth.
Christmas Takeaways
Cognisant of the hustle and bustle associated with Christmas, Bishop Dr. Massiah admonished, “Christmas should be a time of very deep reflection for individuals and families; and I wish I could say for communities as well.” Citing John Chapter 3, Verse 16, Bishop Dr. Massiah emphasised that Christmas is not a stand-alone event. Rather, it is interlocked with the creation, coming, crucifixion, burial and resurrection of Christ, and the judgement of mankind and the world. Christmas should therefore be a time for profound reflection, and renewal of man’s covenant with God.
Christmas for the Massiahs
Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, Christmas for the Massiahs typically involved attending church events and spending quality time with family and other loved ones. Though most of the church activities are now offered virtually, family time reflecting, thanking God and sharing with others persist as valuable traditions of the Massiah family. Bishop Dr. Massiah fondly reflected on enjoying and sharing traditional Guyanese food, quality time and gifts with loved ones. In spite of the limitations presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, he looks forward to similar exuberance this year.

Memories of Christmas
Recalling his fondest memories of Christmas, Bishop Dr. Massiah shared about his mother, a single woman who raised him and his siblings, and went the extra mile to make Christmas special. Classifying his mother as his role model, he said she was an ordinary working class woman who worked hard as a domestic, raised livestock, and taught him to be responsible. “I have very pleasant and powerful memories of Christmas. My mother taught us to be self-less, share with others, allow others into our space during Christmas and other times, and have fun doing it,” Bishop Dr. Massiah fondly reflected. Along with his wife, they have taught their children the value of sharing, allowing others into their space and embracing the message of peace and goodwill to all men.
Keeping Hope Alive
Recognising the many challenges in the world today, Bishop Dr. Massiah shared insights on keeping hope alive. Expressing his thankfulness to God for Guyana, for fellow Guyanese and the value of the asset of relative peace enjoyed, he believed Guyana was poised for a demonstration of the original Christmas message intended for all peoples. The Christmas message to him is uncompromising and should be for the entire world. Peace on earth and goodwill is available to all men. Alluding to the practice of the First Assembly of God Wortmanville church to consistently bless others, Bishop Dr. Massiah underscored the importance of being thankful, fulfilling purpose, drawing pertinent truths from Christmas, and practising them every day.
Christmas 2021
Articulating what he is looking forward to the most this Christmas, Bishop Dr. Massiah said he is thanking God for health, and anticipates spending quality time with his family.
On behalf of the Board of First Assembly of God Wortmanville, Bishop Dr. Massiah, the Pastors, leaders, members and friends, we extend greetings for a peaceful and Christ centred Christmas to you and your loved ones. May you experience good tidings of great joy, peace and goodwill!