The Wisdom of a Woman

“Blessed is she who believed, for there will be a fulfillment of those things which were told her from the Lord.” – Luke 1:45 (NKJV)

As we continue to celebrate mothers during the month of May, I would invite us to focus on the uniqueness of Jochebed. In Exodus 2:1-10 we read the account of the birth of a male child. He was born when an order was given to kill all male Hebrew children. Jochebed, his mother, looked at him and recognised the blessing of God in his life. 

I believe Jochebed prayed for wisdom from God to preserve the child’s life, and God heard her. She was able to hide the baby boy for three months. That, in itself, was a miracle. She proved her determination and faith in God by not panicking but allowing Him to guide her. God’s wisdom does not always appear to make sense sometimes but be assured that unquestionable obedience is the best path to follow.

The path led Jochebed to make a water-proof basket, placing her son in it and trusting that he would be found by someone kind-hearted and favoured by the authorities at the time. She was convinced she had heard from God and knew of the daily activities that occured in that environment at the riverside. So, she placed the baby, proceeded home, and left the rest to God. 

 As a result of her faith and obedience, God proved Ephesians 3:20 to her: The baby was rescued and returned to her for nursing. Moreover, she was paid to do what she was destined to do. God is truly able to provide in abundance.

Today, I encourage every mother to examine the example of Jochebed. To those who know the Lord, especially when the enemy has attacked our children, release them into God’s care. To those trying to do things independently, stop, and take note of the devil’s devices. Obtain knowledge, be a foot soldier, and go into battle with God by your side. There is a better way. God will make the difference even when grown children are spiralling out of control. He has not changed. His power is still the same. What He did for Jochebed, He can do for you. 


Lord, we see the signs all around us that clearly indicate we must be vigilant and prepare for the Second Coming of Jesus. Help us as women, especially mothers, to realise that we cannot fight this battle on our own. All our children belong to You. You care for them and will always watch over and protect them. We release them to You in Jesus’s name, Amen.

Read: Luke 6:38; Ephesians 3:20

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 55:12-23; John 3:22-36; Joshua 23; Joshua 24

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