There is Hope for All

There is Hope for All

Isaiah 55:11 (NKJV)

“So shall My Word be that goes forth from My mouth; it shall not return to Me void, But it shall accomplish what I please…” – Isaiah 55:11 (NKJV)

Hope can be a perishable commodity though it gives peace to those who depend on and trust God – Isaiah 26:3. However, despite God’s promises, despite Christ’s love, and despite our countless blessings, we frail human beings can still lose hope occasionally. This is when we need the encouragement of Christian friends, the life-changing power of prayers, and the healing truth of God’s Holy Word. Immersing ourselves in this scenario helps us from falling into spiritual traps of worry and discouragement. 

The healing touch of Jesus and the encouraging words of fellow Christians gives hope even though this world could be a place of trials and struggles. God has promised us peace, joy, and eternal life if we give ourselves to Him. As Christians, we are called to study God’s Word, trust its promises, follow its commandments, and share the Good News with the world; providing hope.

There are some people, however, who do not believe in the Christian faith and it has been observed that three things prevent them from trusting in Christ for Salvation. Some doubt that they are important enough for God’s attention, some believe that they are unworthy of His forgiveness, while others wonder why God is not communicating with them if He is there.

However, God promises if we read His Word, He will make sure it accomplishes His purpose – Isaiah 55:11. When we do, we will discover that He IS communicating with us. We will see His grace and mercy extend to all – Isaiah 55:7 and His willingness to forgive surpasses our own. 

Once we learn we can hear God in the Bible and we understand His mercy, it becomes easier to believe we have His attention when we cry out to Him. It gives hope. He also promised to guide and protect us – now and forever – John 16:13 (NKJV). Spend quiet time alone with Jesus in prayer and in meditation on His Word and receive a spiritual revival.


Dear Lord, I will place my hope in You. If I become discouraged, I will turn to You. If  I’m afraid, I will seek strength in You. In every aspect of my life, I will trust You. You are my Father and I will place my hope, my trust, and my faith in You, for there is no record of failure in You. Amen.

Read: Isaiah 55:6-11; Romans 15:13

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 9:13-20; Matthew 12:1-21; Genesis 31

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