This Joy

“I have told you this so that my joy may be in you and that your joy may be complete.”

John 15:11 (NIV) 

What is this joy? In my readings, I came across a definition from the Lexham Theological Workbook, which defines joy as “the sense or state of gladness or elation that people experience through their relationship with God and through good things in their lives.”

I must say Christian joy is not a fleeting emotion that changes with our circumstances. It is a deep, abiding sense of gladness that comes from our relationship with God. Conversely, the world often defines joy as a temporary state of happiness, usually tied to favourable conditions. The joy that Christ offers, though, is not dependent on external situations but on an internal reality—the presence of God within us. Joy, therefore, is a unique, identifying mark of the Christian life, both corporately and individually.

In his letter to the Philippians, the Apostle Paul commands believers to “Rejoice in the Lord always” (Philippians 4:4). Note: Paul wrote these words while he was in prison! His joy wasn’t tied to his comfort or freedom; it was rooted in his unshakable faith in Christ. This teaches us the powerful lesson that true Christian joy transcends circumstances because it is grounded in God’s unchanging nature.

To rejoice in the Lord is to find our ultimate delight and satisfaction in Him. When our hearts and minds are set on God, we are reminded of His goodness, His promises, and His unfailing love. This joy is a fruit of the Spirit (Galatians 5:22), meaning it is produced in us as we walk in close fellowship with God. It is not something we can manufacture on our own but a gift from God that grows as we abide in Him.

This does not mean that a Christian’s life is without any pain and suffering. But even in pain and suffering, this joy remains steadfast because it is anchored in the hope of Christ. Christ Himself knew the suffering He would endure but persevered, knowing the joy and glory that awaited Him (Hebrews 12:2). In the same way, our joy as Christians is deeply connected to our hope in God’s eternal promises.

In difficult times, when joy seems impossible or elusive, let us remember who our God is and what He has done for us. Testimonies of His faithfulness and love to us and to others will stir up and reignite our joy, even in the toughest of situations. This joy will then become our strength (Nehemiah 8:10), empowering us to persevere and shine as lights in a dark world.

I encourage you today to fix your eyes on Jesus, the Author and Perfecter of our faith. Choose to rejoice, to find joy in the Lord, not because everything is perfect but because our God is perfect. In Him, we find joy that endures forever. Amen.

Read: Judges 9:19; Psalm 27:6

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 99; 1 Corinthians 12:1-26; Song of Solomon 1; Song of Solomon 2; Song of Solomon 3; Song of Solomon 4

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