Understanding Our Assignment

Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things…” 

Jeremiah 33:3 (NKJV)

Our God-given assignment is family. Sometimes, we miss it because we have not allowed the Holy Spirit full reign in our lives to actually teach us what our role really is. 

When we enter a new family, we take with us those attitudes or behaviours that were learnt in the family from which we came. These affect us in our new roles because we’re coming as children into this new family where we become husbands and wives. Thus, we must learn quickly how to operate or damage our family.

Hannah comes to mind in this situation. She hadn’t a child, but she went before God with the desires of her heart. As she desired a child, she came to a point where she didn’t have tunnel vision anymore – the picture was bigger than her. She needed this child so much that she made an oath unto God that she would give the child back to Him. Hannah understood her assignment as a wife and as a mother. She blessed her husband with a son, but greater than that, she glorified God with a servant.

It is our role as parents to train our children in the way they should go, and they will not depart from it as they grow (Proverbs 22:6). This can become distorted if we as parents do not give our entire selves over to the Holy Spirit. Today, ponder your assignment and ask the Holy Spirit to help you understand. 

You may need to spend time in His presence (as Hannah did – 1 Samuel 1:9-11) so that He can mould you, teach you, break you, and allow you to become that vessel that would be able to impart into your children. The result of this is a legacy left that glorifies God. This sets the platform for us to take back our communities, our schools, and our nation. Hallelujah!


Heavenly Father, thank You for the opportunity to be a parent. Help me to be the parent that leaves a legacy that glorifies and honours You, one that will cut my generations off from the generational curses in my bloodline. Even now, in the name of Jesus, I cut myself and my children off from every generational curse and their children as well, by the blood of Jesus. Lord, saturate my bloodline with your precious blood, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Read: Psalm 57:2; Acts 13:36

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 37:32-40; Luke 6:37-49; Luke 7:1-10; Numbers 22:21-41; Numbers 23:1-26

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