Unlimited Access – Part 1

“He that dwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty.” – Psalm 91:1 (KJV)

Have you ever tried to contact a loved one with no success? You called their cellular phone, landline, and even their work number, but you ended up frustrated because that person was unreachable. What you wanted to say was so vital that you could almost taste the disappointment. Maybe you wanted to share some good news, maybe you wanted to offer some advice or comfort, maybe you were the one who needed advice or comfort, or maybe you just wanted to let the person know that they are loved. Finally, in desperation, you decided to visit their home and meet with them personally.

Well, beloved, this is exactly how our Heavenly Father felt. Throughout the ages, He spoke with a few men on a one-on-one basis. Among others, we know He met with Adam in the Garden of Eden, and their communication was sweet, until sin entered, and caused a rift. He spoke with Abraham and made a covenant with him. He spoke with Moses face to face, giving him clear directions on how we all should live. He spoke with Daniel, Job, Isaiah and other prophets through dreams, visions and voices. In the New Testament, He spoke with John the Baptist, His only begotten Son Jesus, the Apostle Paul, and John the Apostle while he was alone on the Island of Patmos.

Women also, were privileged to have communion with God the Father. Hagar, once when running from her mistress Sarah (Genesis 16), to whom He made her a promise to bless her son, and on  another occasion, He spoke to open her eyes to see a well so she could get water to save her son’s life. Sarah also was spoken to, when she said she didn’t laugh at God’s promise. She received a gentle rebuke. Time will not permit me to tell of Sampson’s mother, Zachariah’s wife Elizabeth, and Mary, the mother of Jesus among others.

I am most impressed, however, with Enoch, who started walking with God at age sixty-five. Their conversations were so heartfelt that Enoch didn’t die (Genesis 5). God took him to be with him when he was three hundred years old. Access to each other became unlimited. This is still God’s plan today. THAT is one of the reasons why He sent His Son Jesus to die in our place. He wants to guide us, advise, comfort, bless, rebuke, discipline, love and show us everything He has planned for us, but this is impossible if our lives are not right in His sight. Let’s purpose to make it right today. 


Heavenly Father, how I long to have sweet communion with You! I know that sin keeps me away from this, so today I repent of all unconfessed sin and ask that You wash me in the blood of Your Son Jesus, and cleanse me from filthy unrighteousness. Amen.

Read: Genesis 3:10-11; Luke 1:30-33

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 145:8-13; Revelation 12; Revelation 13:1; Ezra 6; Ezra 7:1-10

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