Walking in Joy

“Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me”

Psalm 51:12 (NIV)

Sometimes in life, we enter into relationships, situations, and or challenges we did not prepare or bargain for. We might let our joy become buried under the rubbles of life and of our sin. However, with God, joy can be restored. God will never leave us or forsake us; He is always ready and waiting for us to turn back to Him. As we do, He will restore our joy.

Our joy in Christ thrives as we welcome His sustaining power for each day of our lives. He has the ability to sustain us no matter what we are experiencing. Like David, who poured out his heart and recounted the destruction that his sin had caused and asked God to restore the joy that came with his salvation. In the depths of his despair, he desired and believed that joy again. His cry, in actuality, was, ‘Show me how, Father, to be clothed with tender mercy, kindness, humility, meekness, patience, forgiveness, and contentment so that I will walk in gentleness, faithfully. I will let your peace and joy always rule in my heart and teach others the same.’

David recognised that his own anointing would mean sacrifice. But at a great price. In that same way, we, as God’s people who follow Christ, may also experience loss in a career or friendship, but God stands beside us with unending comfort and undeniable peace. We may not understand the purpose of the price we pay, but His grace will carry us through every difficulty. 

Never undervalue God’s calling. It is sacred and brims with purpose. So, let’s stand firm on it. As God equips us with His Holy Spirit, our job is to move forward in faith to serve, give, and teach.


Father, we thank thee. Like David, help us humble ourselves and seek your face in authentic prayers. Amen.

Reading: Isaiah 55:12; Matthew 6:25 

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 103:13-22; 2 Corinthians 1:12-22; 2 Chronicles 29; 2 Chronicles 30; 2 Chronicles 31:1

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