We are on a Mission

We are on a Mission

Philippians 2:13 (KJV)

“For it is God which worketh in you both to will and to do of His good pleasure.”

Philippians 2:13 (KJV)

Sharing our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ is paramount in a believer’s life. The Word of God is confirmed in our lives, as the more we witness the better we become as witnesses.

There are many examples stated in the Word that we can glean from. The disciples of Jesus Christ our Saviour are perfect examples; these men walked with Jesus but after the day of Pentecost, transformation took place. The disciples shared the Gospel on that day and thousands of souls were saved when Peter preached. They were baptised on the same day. As we step out in faith, God will do the same in our lives.  

Importantly, the disciples were now called Apostles which means ‘one sent on a mission’. As they allowed the Holy Spirit to work through them, they were no longer being fed but became ‘mission-oriented’ and began fulfiling their purpose with boldness. This mission has not changed, the criteria have not changed and technology has helped us tremendously. We can witness and evangelise, simultaneously.

The Apostle Paul is a great example of a witness. He was beaten, thrown in jail, shipwrecked, and escaped from those who plotted to kill him, all for the Gospel’s sake. His obedience in following the Lord Jesus Christ is incomparable. These examples (along with the others) are our admonition as we obey being a witness. The Almighty God can do the miraculous through our lives once we continue to serve Him in spirit and in truth. 

People of the world, nothing is impossible with God (Luke 1:37). Once we are continually faithful in obeying His Word, the supernatural will take place in our lives; demons will flee and people will be liberated. As we rely on God wholeheartedly He will use us for His honour and glory. Remember, “…the weapons of our warfare are not carnal…” (2 Corinthians 10:4). God bless you all.

Read: Isaiah 6:8; 2 Corinthians 10:4-5
Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 89:38-45; Romans 13; I Chronicles 7; I Chronicles 8

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