We Are What We Eat

We Are What We Eat

Exodus 15:26 (NKJV)

“…”If you diligently heed the voice of the Lord your God and do what is right in His sight, give ear to His commandments…, I will put none of the diseases on you which I have brought on the Egyptians. For I am the Lord Who heals you” – Exodus 15: 26 (NKJV)

Dr. Cris Enriquez, M.D. author of, “We Don’t Die, We Kill Ourselves”, reported that studies made from more than 30,000 excavated Egyptian mummies revealed that the Egyptians suffered from heart diseases, diabetes, arthritis, and such. Beloved, sickness and diseases will not only hamper our lifestyle and productivity but they can also be fatal. Thus, it is important for us to inculcate good health practices to promote longevity. Dying without fulfilling the purpose of God in our lives is doubly tragic.

The famous quotation, “We are what we eat”, is attributed to the German philosopher Ludwig Feuerbach. Feuerbach suggested the food that one eats has a bearing on one’s state of mind.  In the literal sense, we can agree that “we are what we eat”. Nutrients from the foods we eat provide the foundation of the structure, function, and wholeness of every cell in our body, from the skin and hair to the muscles, bones, digestive and immune systems.  

Conversely, authors Mark Finley and Peter Landless, of “Health and Hope”, stated that in order to “maintain a healthy body and mind, there is a need for us to avoid highly refined food that often has large amounts of their nutritional elements removed, food and beverages that have no nutritional value, for example, alcohol, coffee, and sodas”.  They alluded to research conducted by Dr Gary Fraser, an eminent cardiologist and research scientist, which revealed that a plant-based diet provides a host of advantages over a diet containing much meat. 

Results have also revealed that people consuming plant-based diets have less hypertension, lower LDL (bad) cholesterol, lower level of fasting sugar and insulin, lower level of C-reactive protein (a chemical associated with inflammation), less diabetes, and much less a problem with obesity. It is evident from the foregoing, therefore, which kinds of food groups we should pursue. We are encouraged to follow the 80% nutrition, and 25% exercise rule to maintain a healthy lifestyle.


Jehovah Rapha, our Healer, and Heavenly Father, in the name of Jesus we ask for Your wisdom, directions, and guidance in cleansing our entire anatomy from sicknesses and diseases. Remove the diseases from our anatomy with your healing and transformative power. Help us to be disciplined in maintaining our plant-based diet and exercise programme so that our bodies may be purged from toxins and that we may enjoy long healthy lives. in Jesus’s name. Amen!

Read: Genesis 1:29; Matthew 3:4; Matthew 6:25

Bible Reading Guide: Psalms 119:33-40; 2 Thessalonians 2; Jeremiah 29:24-32; Jeremiah 30; Jeremiah 31:1-14

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