When the Storms Rage

“…Do not be afraid; only believe.” – Mark 5:36 (NKJV)

Life has its many trials. In the same way, family life can present us with all sorts of experiences: bliss or misery, joys or pains, storms or calms, mountaintop or valley experiences. 

Sometimes, pain presents itself in the midst of joy; in the midst of certainty, the uncertainties rise in loud bursts! Yet, at other times while you are going through hardships in your family, there you are baptised with an additional dose. The storm is already raging, but there comes a gush of a greater storm! It seems like “ole house pon ole house!” You ask yourself, “Will this ever end? Will the storms ever stop?” 

Let me assure you today that no storm lasts forever. Even the fiercest of storms must come to an end. Would you believe that your raging storm is about to come to an end and you are about to experience a time of renewal and refreshing? Yes! This is so! Only believe!

Your family may have been going through a rough period. Maybe you have been experiencing ‘thunder’ in your marriage, ‘lightning’ with your children, ‘heavy rainfalls’ with your parents, and ‘violent winds’ with your relatives. Be comforted; no storm always lasts. Only believe!

Today, I assure you that you can rest in the storm. God can replace your fears with renewed faith. With Jesus as your Anchor, you will not go under! Though the storms rage, you will experience God’s peace. Be assured of one thing: this too shall pass. Only believe!

Proverbs 18:21 says, “Death and life are in the power of the tongue…”. So let’s declare:

  1. Though the storms rage, my family and I will not go under! 
  2. Though I may be struck down, my family and I are not destroyed! 
  3. Though I may bend low under the effects of the storm, my family and I will not be broken! 
  4. I speak life, health, renewal, refreshing, joy, peace, love, comfort, and prosperity in and over my life and my family! 
  5. We will flourish, in Jesus’ Name! 


Heavenly Father, I acknowledge my need for You in this storm. Please keep my mind and eyes on You. Replace my fears with renewed faith in You and Your Word. Preserve me, preserve my family even in the midst of the storm. Thank You for showing us Your loving kindness in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Read: Isaiah 26:3; 2 Corinthians 4:8-10, 17

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 31: 19-24; Mark 15:1-32; Leviticus 21; Leviticus 22

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