Witness with Power

But you shall receive power when the Holy Ghost has come upon you; and you shall be witnesses to Me in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth – Acts 1:8(NKJV)

The disciples were witnesses to the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Now it was time for them to have another experience that would enable them to be witnesses – to the power of Jesus. The presence of the Holy Ghost in our lives gives us the ability to testify of God’s power to do the miraculous through us and in our lives.

A witness is a person who sees an event and has knowledge of that event from observation. A witness can also be someone who has had a personal experience and can testify of their knowledge of the event. Don’t you marvel at Peter? He had both experiences.

The power that we would receive from the Holy Ghost is not for political or corporate dominance. Neither is it to exercise dominance over another human being. It’s for us to have the power to be overcomers; to face opposition and suffering and be victorious. Our testimony must reflect the supernatural ability of the Holy Ghost to do the impossible. It’s clear to us that we cannot be effective without the Holy Ghost. Here are some things the Holy Ghost can do for us:
He makes the Word of God come to life.
During and after fasting our spiritual ears will open to hear the voice of God clearly.
Signs and wonders of healing and deliverance can be demonstrated in our lives.
The benefits of the Holy Ghost are numerous and effective. He makes us effective witnesses to the world. We will learn that nothing in this world can hinder the spread of the Gospel. The Holy Ghost’s mission is to spread the message that salvation is found in Jesus and work alongside believers to evangelise the world.

Read: John 15:26; Acts 2:38-39; Matthew 12:31-32; Joel 2:28

Bible Reading Guide: Psalm 45:10-17; Luke 16:19-31; Luke 17:1-10; Deuteronomy 23; Deuteronomy 24; Deuteronomy

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